OPERATIONWhen the unit is plugged inand the power switch is onand no signal is received, theLED on the top of the unit willturn red. When a signal ispresent, the LED will turngreen.Note: It will take several min-utes for the LED to turn fromgreen to red after the inputsignal to the subwoofer isremoved. Due to JBL’s uniquehigh-output, high-efficiencyamplifier design, power con-sumption is minimal when thesubwoofer is not receiving asignal. Of course, the sub-woofer can be turned off,whenever desired, if you donot wish to leave it in auto(standby) mode.The subwoofer Level Controladjusts the volume of thesubwoofer relative to the restof the system. Proper leveladjustment depends on sev-eral variables such as roomsize, subwoofer placement,type of main speakers andposition. Adjust the subwooferlevel so that the volume of thebass information is pleasingto you.Crossover AdjustmentsThe Crossover FrequencyControl determines the highestfrequency at which the sub-woofer reproduces sounds. Ifyour main speakers can com-fortably reproduce some low-frequency sounds, set thiscontrol to a lower frequencysetting, between 50Hz and100Hz. This will concentratethe subwoofer’s efforts on theultradeep bass soundsrequired by today’s films andmusic. If you are using smallerbookshelf speakers that do notextend to the lower bass fre-quencies, set the low-passcrossover control to a highersetting, between 120Hz and150Hz. This control is not usedwhen the LFE switch is in the“LFE” position.Level ControlPower6CROSSOVERFREQUENCYLEVELLINE LEVEL INPHASEMin MaxLRL RFor LFE use L or RLFE NORMALNorthridge E SeriesHIGHLEVELINPOWER+ –120V60Hz50Hz0º 180º150HzCAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENON OFF