Digital Receiver/Processor – LFE ConnectionUse this installation methodfor Dolby Digital, DTS® or otherdigital surround processorsthat have bass-managementprogramming, or for analogreceivers/processors thathave a filtered subwooferoutput:IMPORTANT: Make sure thatthe LFE toggle switch on thesubwoofer is in the “LFE”position. Use the line-levelinput jacks for the low-fre-quency effects channel. Con-nect these jacks to the LFEoutput or subwoofer outputon your receiver or amplifier.Note: If your receiver or ampli-fier has only one subwooferoutput jack, you may connectthe subwoofer output on yourreceiver/preamplifier to eitherthe left or right line-level inputon the subwoofer. It makes nodifference which jack youchoose.Connect each speaker tothe corresponding speakerterminals on your receiver oramplifier.Make sure that you haveconfigured your surroundsound processor for“Subwoofer On” or“LFE On.” The front,center and surroundspeakers should beset to “Small” or “Large”depending on their size andfrequency response. Consultyour receiver’s or processor’sowner’s manual.CROSSOVERFREQUENCYLEVELLINE LEVEL INPHASEMin MaxL RLFE NORMALHIGHLEVELIN+ –50Hz0º 180º150HzSubwooferOutput/LFERECEIVER/PREAMPLIFIERLRFor LFE use L or RAnalog Receiver/Processor – Line-Level ConnectionsUse this installation methodwith an analog receiver/processor that does not havedigital processing or bassmanagement, and that isequipped with a full-rangesubwoofer output or a volume-controlled preamp (line-) leveloutput:Use RCA-type interconnectcables to connect the line-level subwoofer outputs onyour receiver or amplifier tothe line-level inputs on thesubwoofer.IMPORTANT: Make sure thatthe LFE toggle switch on thesubwoofer is in the “Normal”position. Do not use the“LFE” position with Dolby®Pro Logic®-only processors.Note: If your receiver oramplifier has only one sub-woofer output jack, then youmay connect the subwooferoutput on your receiver/pre-amplifier to either the left orright line-level input on thesubwoofer. It makes no differ-ence which jack you choose.Connect each speaker tothe corresponding speakerterminals on your receiveror amplifier.Make sure your receiveror processor is config-ured so that the sub-woofer is “On.”Note for advancedusers: If your receiver/processor has a built-in low-pass crossover filter for thesubwoofer output, then theLFE switch should be set tothe “LFE” position to bypassthe subwoofer’s internalcrossover.5CROSSOVERFREQUENCYLEVELLINE LEVEL INPHASEMin MaxL RLFE NORMALHIGHLEVELIN+ –50Hz0º 180º150HzSubwooferOutRECEIVERLRFor LFE use L or RL R8E150P/P10SW subwoofers