2For more than 50 years, JBLhas been involved in everyaspect of music and filmrecording and reproduction,from live performances to therecordings you play in yourhome, car or office.We’re confident that the JBLsystem you have chosen willprovide every note ofenjoyment that you expected –and that when you think aboutpurchasing additional audioequipment for your home, caror office, you will once againchoose JBL.Please take a moment tocomplete the enclosed profilecard. It enables us to keep youposted on our latest advance-ments, and helps us to betterunderstand our customers andbuild products that meet theirneeds and expectations.JBL Consumer ProductsT H A N K Y O U F O R C H O O S I N G J B LThis declaration applies to models PC600 and PT800 only. Informationregarding model PS1400 is included separately with that model only.T H E P E R F O R M A N C E S Y S T E MThe Performance System is anextremely high-performancespeaker system intended foruses ranging from premiumtwo-channel stereo all the wayto 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1 multi-channelhome-theater applications. Thesystem is modular and consistsof only three system elements:• A PS1400 powered subwoofermodule incorporating a 14"driver and internal 400-wattclass D amplifier.• A PT800 tower module whichcontains an 8" mid-bass driver,a 4" midrange driver and a 1"dome tweeter with integralwaveguide.• A PC600 center module whichcontains dual 6" drivers andthe same midrange andtweeter elements as thetower.The acoustic behavior of thePT800 tower and PC600 centerhas been matched, giving theadded system flexibility of usingeither PT800 towers or PC600centers at any of the five, six orseven speaker locations aroundthe room.The system is intended forroom sizes of up to 3500 cubicfeet with two subwoofers. If alarger room is being used, itis suggested that additionalsubwoofer modules be used.Almost any home installationcan be accommodated by theuse of multiple modules.The PT800 tower and PS1400subwoofer can be docked(stacked), resulting in atraditional floorstandingspeaker system that can beused in the front or surroundspeaker positions. This systemcan be used passively, or in abi-amp mode by using thecrossover capabilities of ahigh-quality AV receiver orseparates. The PS1400subwoofers can also be usedas traditional units placedaround the room with the PT800towers and/or PC600 centersbeing stand-, wall-, orbookshelf-mounted. Both thePT800 and PC600 speakerscome with wall-mountingbrackets.Important Note: Do not send afull-range amplified signaldirectly to the PT800 towermodule. The PT800’s are notdesigned to reproduce lowbass without a PS1400powered subwoofer. Foroptimum performance, thePT800 should only receivesignals crossed over at 80Hzand above.Declaration of ConformityWe, Harman Consumer International2, route de Tours72500 Chateau-du-LoirFrancedeclare in own responsibility, that thepassive loudspeakers described in thisowner’s manual are in compliance withtechnical standards:EN 50081-1:1992EN 50082-1:1992Steen MichaelsenHarman Consumer InternationalChateau-du-Loir, France. 2/01