Project EVEREST DD66000JBL and Harman InternationalJBL is part of the Harman International audio companies, a group with acommon purpose: combining technology with a love of music to manufactureaudio products that provide new levels of satisfaction, performance and value.To promote diversity and creativity, JBL operates independently in researchand development. When it comes to translating the results of these efforts intoactual consumer and professional products, JBL draws on the full combinedstrength of the Harman companies, which includes one of the world's mostadvanced manufacturing facilities. The result of this teamwork is that JBL'srenowned excellence in engineering is successfully carried through to eachindividual product, regardless of its application or price range.As new audio concepts and technologies are pioneered, the partnership of JBLand Harman International guarantees that consumer and professional audiousers everywhere will be able to enjoy their full range of benefits.JBL continually engages in research related to product development andimprovement. Because of this, new materials, production methods and designrefinements will be introduced into existing products without notice. For thisreason, any current JBL product may differ in some respect from its publisheddescription, but will always equal or exceed the original design specificationsunless otherwise stated.©Copyright 2006 JBL IncorporatedJBL Incorporated8500 Balboa BoulevardNorthridge, CA 91329USAJBL is a registered trademark of JBL, Inc.Monster Cable is a registered trademark of Monster Cable Products, Inc.Aquaplas and SonoGlass are registered trade marks of JBL, Inc.