5CONNECTION TIPSSPEAKER CONNECTIONSSeparate and strip theends of the speaker wireas shown. The wires sup-plied with the system mayalready be stripped andtinned for easy insertion intothe speaker terminals. Youmay need to separate thetwo conductors further inorder to thread them throughthe shelf stand or floor standadapter. Speakers and elec-tronics terminals have corre-sponding (+) and (–) terminals.Most manufacturers ofspeakers and electronics,including JBL, use red todenote the (+) terminal andblack to denote the (–)terminal.The (+) lead of the speakerwire is noted with a stripe.It is important to connectboth speakers identically:(+) on the loudspeaker to(+) on the amplifier and (–)on the loudspeaker to (–) onthe amplifier. Wiring “out ofphase” results in thin sound,weak bass and a poor stereoimage.With the advent of multi-channel surround soundsystems, connecting all ofthe speakers in your systemwith the correct polarityremains equally important inorder to preserve the properambience and directionalityof the program material.To connect the suppliedspeaker wires to the satelliteand center speaker terminals,press the red or black plasticcap for the desired terminal,insert the bare end of thewire into the hole below thecap and release the cap.Gently tug on the wire tomake sure that it is fullyinserted.Such damage would not becovered under the warranty.Step 7: Holding the SatelliteSpeaker ¶ with both hands,reinsert the ball portion ofthe Ball and Shaft £ intothe Attachment Plate ¢.Step 8: Hand-tighten theMolded Nut ™ while posi-tioning the speaker for thedesired orientation. If theMolded Nut ™ is difficult totighten by hand, insert theMetal Bar ∞ into one of theholes in the outer edge ofthe Molded Nut ™ and usethe bar as a lever. Be carefulnot to cross-thread. Theswiveling ball enables you toaim the speaker to one sideor the other, or to tilt it upor down. Although stereoimaging may be improvedby aiming the front speakerstoward the listening position,especially for music selec-tions, the surround speakersare intended to provide a dif-fuse, ambient sound that isbest achieved by aiming thespeakers straight out fromthe wall. Aiming the sur-round speakers towardthe listening position mayruin the intended effect bycalling too much attentionto the information in thosechannels.Step 9: Once the speaker’sorientation has been final-ized, insert the Metal Bar ∞into one of the holes in theouter edge of the MoldedNut ™ and tighten theMolded Nut ™ securely.Keep the Metal Bar ∞ in asafe place, in the event thatyou decide to adjust thespeaker’s orientation in thefuture.