4SubwooferSurround Speakers5 – 6 ft.Front Speakers0-2 ft.The front speakers should beplaced the same distancefrom each other as they arefrom the listening position.They should be placed atabout the same height fromthe floor as the listeners’ears will be, or they may beangled toward the listeners.The center-channel speakershould be placed slightlybehind the front left and rightspeakers, and no more thantwo feet above or below thetweeters of the left and rightspeakers. It is often con-venient to set the centerspeaker on top of thetelevision set, as shownin the drawing. Use thesupplied support leg toaim it toward the listenerby screwing the leg in toangle the speaker up, orunscrewing the leg slightly toangle the speaker down.The two surround speakersshould be placed slightlybehind the listening positionand, ideally, should faceeach other and be at a levelhigher than the listeners’ears. If that is not possible,they may be placed on a wallbehind the listening position,facing forward. The surroundspeakers should not callattention to themselves.Experiment with theirplacement until you hear adiffuse, ambient soundaccompanying the main-program material heard inthe front speakers.The low-frequency materialreproduced by thesubwoofer is mostly omni-directional, and this speakermay be placed in a con-venient location in the room.However, the best repro-duction of bass will be heardwhen the subwoofer isplaced in a corner along thesame wall as the frontspeakers. Experiment withsubwoofer placement bytemporarily placing thesubwoofer in the listeningposition and moving aroundthe room until the bassreproduction is best. Placethe subwoofer in thatlocation.Center-ChannelSpeakerS P E A K E R P L A C E M E N T