26AUTO SLEEPMETERSOFFnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONINFORMATIONMODELVERSIONMACJBL SRX815P0.0.3.400:0A:40:10:05:C5input MEtersCH1CH2NETWORK MENU 1 - IPNETWORK MENU 2 - SUBNETNETWORK MENU 3 - HIQNETNETWORK MENU 4 - DHCPINFORMATIONINPUT METERSMETERSnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONINFORMATIONMODELVERSIONMACJBL SRX815P0.0.3.400:0A:40:10:05:C5input MEtersCH1CH2NETWORK MENU 1 - IPNETWORK MENU 2 - SUBNETNETWORK MENU 3 - HIQNETNETWORK MENU 4 - DHCPINFORMATIONINPUT METERSnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONINFORMATIONMODELVERSIONMACJBL SRX815P0.0.3.400:0A:40:10:05:C5input MEtersCH1CH2NETWORK MENU 1 - IPNETWORK MENU 2 - SUBNETNETWORK MENU 3 - HIQNETNETWORK MENU 4 - DHCPINFORMATIONINPUT METERSMAIN MENUPRESETAUTO DIMAUTO SLEEPMETERS1 MAINOFFOFFnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONINFORMATIONMODELVERSIONMACJBL SRX815P0.0.3.400:0A:40:10:05:C5input MEtersCH1CH2NETWORK MENU 1 - IPNETWORK MENU 2 - SUBNETNETWORK MENU 3 - HIQNETNETWORK MENU 4 - DHCPINFORMATIONINPUT METERSnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONINFORMATIONMODELVERSIONMACJBL SRX815P0.0.3.400:0A:40:10:05:C5input MEtersCH1CH2NETWORK MENU 1 - IPNETWORK MENU 2 - SUBNETNETWORK MENU 3 - HIQNETNETWORK MENU 4 - DHCPINFORMATIONAUTO DIMAUTO SLEEPMETERSOFFOFFnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONnetwork MENUIPSUBNETHIQNETDHCP169.254.155.248255.255.0.01ONINFORMATIONMODELVERSIONMACJBL SRX815P0.0.3.400:0A:40:10:05:C5input MEtersCH1CH2NETWORK MENU 1 - IPNETWORK MENU 2 - SUBNETNETWORK MENU 3 - HIQNETNETWORK MENU 4 - DHCPINFORMATIONINPUT METERSMetersFrom the Main Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “Meters” is highlighted. Press theMaster Encoder to access Meters. Input Meters for both channels will be displayed. Pressthe Back Button to return to the Main Menu or wait one minute to be returned to theHome Screen.Network MenuFrom the Main Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “Network Menu” is highlighted. Pressthe Master Encoder to access the Network Menu.Adjustments to the systems IP address, Subnet Address, and HiQNet Address can bemade from the Network Menu. Please note that “DHCP” must be set to “Off,” in order tomanually adjust the IP or Subnet addresses.1. Ip.In the Network Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “IP” is highlighted. Press theMaster Encoder to access the IP address. Turn the Master Encoder to adjust eachdigit string of the IP address. Once a digit string is set to its desired value, press theMaster Encoder to move to the next string. Once the entire IP address is set, pressthe Master Encoder to save changes. Pressing the Back Button at any time willcancel changes and return you to the Network Menu.2. SuBNET.In the Network Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “SUBNET” is highlighted. Pressthe Master Encoder to access the SUBNET address. Turn the Master Encoder toadjust each digit string of the SUBNET address. Once a digit string is set to itsdesired value, press the Master Encoder to move to the next string . Once the entireSUBNET address is set, press the Master Encoder to save changes. Pressing theBack Button at any time will cancel changes and return you to the Network Menu.3. HiQNetIn the Network Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “HiQNet” is highlighted. Pressthe master encoder to access the HiQNet address. Turn the Master Encoder to scrollto the desired HiQNet address. Once the desired HiQNet address is displayed, pressthe Master Encoder to select that address and return to the Network Menu.4. DHCpIn the Network Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “DHCP” is highlighted. Press theMaster Encoder to access DHCP. Turn the Master Encoder to toggle between “On”and “Off.”Once the desired setting is displayed, press the master encoder to selectthat setting; you will be returned to the Network Menu. Hitting the Back Button at anytime will also return you to the Network Menu. NOTE: “DHCP” must be set to “Off,”in order to manually adjust the IP or Subnet addresses.InformationFrom the Main Menu, turn the Master Encoder until “Information” is highlighted. Pressthe Master Encoder to access Information. The Model Number of the system, softwareversion, and MAC address are displayed in this screen. Press the Back Button to return tothe Main Menu.BaCk paNEl lCD PreviousNext |