7O P E R A T I O NMIN MAXSubwooferLevelMIN MAXSubwooferLevelPress the Master Power Switch(marked Power ¡) to the ONposition to use the subwoofer.When your receiver or amplifieris off, or is not sending programmaterial to the subwoofer, thesubwoofer will be in standbymode. When the subwoofersenses an audio signal, it willautomatically turn itself on. Ifthe subwoofer does not sense asignal after approximatelytwenty minutes, it willautomatically go into standbymode. If you will be away fromhome for an extended period oftime, or if the subwoofer willnot be used, switch the MasterPower switch ¡ to the "OFF"position.VolumeHIGH LEVEL+ – – +CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENOUTINL R LINE LEVEL INLFE LRAC 230V~50Hz200 WattsIMPORTANT: CONNECT STRIPED WIRE TO RED ( ) SPEAKER TERMINAL.+0° 180°PHASEVolume can be adjusted usingthe Subwoofer Volume Control£, as shown.The crossover filter betweenthe subwoofer and satellitescan be adjusted using theCrossover Control ¢. Theoptimum setting for theSCS 178 and SCS 188 system iswith the Crossover Control ¢set to the "Min" position.™¢ ¡ £CrossoverP H A S EThe Phase Control ™ determineswhether the subwoofer’s piston-like action moves in and out inphase with the main speakers oropposite the main speakers. Thisis adjusted by pressing the buttonto the 0°, or 180° position. The 0°position of the phase button playsthe bass signal in phase with themain speakers. The 180° positionplays the bass signal 180º, or outof phase with the main speakers.Proper phase adjustmentdepends on several variablessuch as subwoofer placementand listener position. Adjust thephase switch to optimize bassoutput at the listening position.Every system, room and listeneris different. There are no right orwrong settings. This switchoffers the added flexibility toadjust your subwoofer foroptimum performance for yourspecific listening conditionswithout having to move yourspeakers. If at some time in thefuture you happen to rearrangeyour listening room, and moveyour speakers, you shouldexperiment with the phaseswitch in both positions, andleave it in the position thatoptimizes bass performance foryour taste.All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com