Part B indicates that the amplifier canhandle 4-ohm combined impedancescreated by two sets of speakers.If only an 8-ohm rating is given, theamp/receiver may or may not bedesigned to handle 4-ohm combinedratings. Consult the owner’s manualof the amp/receiver for clarification.POWER HANDLINGThanks to their high efficiency, theJBL J Series Loudspeakers will pro-duce reasonable volume levels in aroom of moderate size with very littleamplifier power. However, using asmall amplifier to obtain the desiredvolume listening levels may lead tooverdriving the amplifier. This willgenerate high distortion levels andmay cause damage to your loud-speaker. For the best performance,an amplifier should be selected withan output rating that is greater thanthe maximum power that will beused. This margin of reserve powerwill ensure that the amplifier will notattempt to deliver more power thanits design allows. However, theamplifier’s power rating per channelmust not exceed the maximum rec-ommended amplifier power for thatspecific loudspeaker model. Pleasesee the specification section fordetails. Following these guidelineswill provide virtually distortion-freesound reproduction and long loud-speaker life.TROUBLESHOOTINGThe vast majority of new speaker“malfunctions” end up being traced toconnections or switch settings. Toavoid packing up correctly functioningspeakers and sending them off, onlyto find that they’re not really at fault,check the following tips first, beforerequesting service.No sound at all or very faint soundfrom both speakers1. Amp/receiver tape monitor buttonpushed in while using CD, FM orphono inputs.2. Wrong speaker switch, “A” or “B”speaker output.3. Sound source (CD, cassette deck,turntable) not turned on, not activated,not hooked up or not selected onamp/receiver front panel.No sound from one speaker1. Balance control turned all the wayleft or right.2. Speaker wire has become discon-nected.3. One of the connections betweensound source and amp/receiver isfaulty or has become disconnected.Both speakers play at low volumesbut shut off as volume is in-creased OR sound turns on andoff intermittentlyA few strands of speaker wire maybe shorting out. Recheck the con-nections. Recheck the impedance ofthe amp.Bass is very weak AND/OR soundseems to come from each speakerseparately, without creating astable stereo image between thespeakers.1. The polarity (+ & –) of one speakerhas been reversed relative to theother. Double check connections.2. Speakers are too far away fromback and side walls or too far apart.Experiment again with the speakerplacement. If you are still encounter-ing problems, consult your JBLdealer.J SERIES LOUDSPEAKERS5