englishJABRA diAltm 520 oCoR inConVenienCe eXCept to tHe eXtent pRoHiBited BYlAW, tHe WARRAntY is eXClUsiVe And in lieU of All otHeReXpRess And implied WARRAnties WHAtsoeVeR, inClUdingBUt not limited to tHe WAR¬RAntY of meRCHAntABilitYAnd fitness foR A pRACtiCAl pURposenOTE!the Warranty gives you specific legal rights You may also haveother rights which vary from state to state some jurisdictions donot allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages or implied warranties, so the above exclusions may notapply to you the Warranty does not affect your statutory legalrights under your applicable national or local lawsCautionary notes to Computer Users:When using any product with a computer, care should betaken in dry or low humidity environments to protect the userfrom electrostatic discharge from the monitor (CRt) Computermonitors can induce a substantial electrostatic charge whenturned on or off, or when there is a power failure, and theresulting electrostatic discharge can be passed through theproduct to ground A user in close proximity to or touchingthe computer may feel a common “shock” sensation, similar totouching a door knob after walking across a carpet, causing noharm to the user this discharge is entirely due to the computermonitor, the product is merely the shortest path to ground tominimize the possibility of electrostatic discharge through theproduct, you can:• Use a grounded screen in front of the monitor.• Use static dissipative wrist straps.• Increase the relative humidity in the room to 60% or more.• Install static dissipative carpets or floor covering.• Remove the product before turning the computer on or off.gn netcom, Inc. products meet OShA, fCC and CSA standards.USA DECLArATIOnUSA fCC part 15this equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the fCCRulesthese limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installationthe device may not be connected directly to the telephone