15 English9.19.29.39. Reset/Pairing9.1 Under start-up, keep pressingthe Answer/End button for threeseconds. Alternatively, remove thesnap-on cover and press the resetbutton on the headset for threeseconds.Visual indicator on headset willlight constant blue. 1)9.2 Then press reset button onbase unit for 3 seconds. Visualindicator on base unit will lightconstant blue.9.3 Make sure headset and baseare within 1 m/3 feet of eachother. When pairing is successful,both visual indicators will fl ashblue 5 times, and the visualindicator on base unit will turnto steady green.In order to clear the pairing listin the base, press and hold thereset button underneath the basefor 5 seconds. In order to clearthe pairing list in the headset,press and hold the reset buttonon the headset for 5 seconds.Note that after resetting, a newpairing sequence has to beinitiated.1) Note: The headset is already paired with the base unit from the factory. Pairing should only be necessary ifa new headset has to work with an existing base unit (or vice versa).~ 3 sec.~ 3 sec.1 m/3 feet