3ENGLISHCONTeNTs1. weLCOMe .......................................... 42. speakeR OVeRVIew ......................... 52.1 TURN ON The JaBRa speak 5102.2 ChaRGING The JaBRa speak 5103. CONNeCTING .................................... 73.1 CONNeCT TO JaBRa LINk 3603.2 CONNeCT TO MOBILe DeVICe (BLUeTOOTh)3.3 CONNeCT TO BLUeTOOTh heaDseT3.4 CONNeCT TO CORDeD heaDseT4. hOw TO Use The JaBRa speak510 ....................................................124.1 MULTIpLe CaLL haNDLING4.2 swITCh BeTweeN BLUeTOOTh DeVICes4.3 VOICe GUIDaNCe ON/Off4.4 VOICe GUIDaNCe5. sOfTwaRe .......................................165.1 JaBRa pC sUITe5.2 UpDaTe JaBRa speak 510 fIRMwaRe6. sUppORT ..........................................176.1 faq6.2 hOw TO CaRe fOR yOUR JaBRa speak 5107. TeChNICaL speCIfICaTIONs ...........19http://www.ochimp.comhttp://www.ochimp.com