Jacuzzi© Whirlpool Bath: Installation and Operation Page 1 BE76000F • December 2007ENGLISHMAINtENANCEhEAtED AIR BAth DRYINg CYCLEThe Heated Drying Cycle feature is an integral part of andrequired to complete the draining process of the Jacuzzi© LuxuryAir Bath air channel system. While the bathtub is being drained,after normal use, dual water sensors monitor the water level.The sensors are located near the tub drain. Once the dual watersensors detect a “No Water” condition this specially designedsystem will activate a 5 minute wait timer before activating theblower. This action is indicated on the control panel by a slowflashing LED near the blower oN/oFF button. If the unit has notbeen used during this 5 minute wait and the sensors have notdetected water, the blower will automatically come on at variousspeeds over a 2-1/2 minute duration. The duration and speed ofthe blower are exclusively matched for Jacuzzi© Luxury Air Bathproducts and are programmed to effectively reduce excessiveaccumulation of remaining bath water in the air plumbing.If at any time during the Drying Cycle, the control panel isoperated by the User, or a system power recycle has occurred,the 5 minute timer will re-initialize and the above sequence willrepeat to ensure the completion of the Drying Cycle.NOtE: The Drying Cycle will activate on first power-up of theunit.PROgRAM thE 24-hOUR DRYINg CYCLEA 24-hour drying cycle can be programmed to come on at thesame time every day. To activate this feature, hold the Up Arrowbutton for five seconds when the blower-heater is off or whilewaiting for the normal cycle to occur.The Indicator will flash twice. (If the unit is in the Standby modefor the normal cycle when activating the 24-hour cycle, thenormal cycle will be cancelled.)When the 24-hour cycle is activated, the Indicator will flashcontinuously (at a slower rate than during normal cycle). Thecycle will then come on at the same time every day. To cancelthe 24-hour cycle, press the up Arrow button and the Indicatorwill stop flashing.