7 Le parti contenenti dei componenti elettrici, ad ecce-zione dei dispositivi di comando remoto, devono esse-re posizionati o fissati in modo che non possano caderedentro la vasca. Componenti e apparecchiature sottotensione non devono essere accessibili a chi è immersonella vasca. Nel caso l'impianto elettrico dell'immobile non sia ingrado di assicurare un'alimentazione costante, si con-siglia d'installare uno stabilizzatore di tensione primadell'apparecchiatura, opportunamente dimensionatoper la potenza della stessa. Le vasche idromassaggio Jacuzzi® sono provviste dimorsetto, posto nelle vicinanze della pompa e contrad-distinto dal simbolo , per il collegamento equipoten-ziale delle masse metalliche circostanti, come previstodalle norme EN 60335.2.60. ATTENZIONE! Scollegare l’apparecchiatura dalla lineadi alimentazione elettrica prima di effettuare qualsiasiintervento di manutenzione.Info We recommend installing the bathtubs to already finishedwalls and flooring (already tiled or laid). In the instance of built-in tubs, access to the motor pump andelectrical box must be permitted to carry out any maintenanceoperations (see technical specifications, ref. 6a, 6b). Access canbe closed off using removable panels. The system must also beequipped with adequate ventilation, with holes between thetub coating and the removable panels, or there should be evenlyspaced and fully unobstructed openings.The panels must be securely attached and a suitable toolmust be used for their relative removal.Openings, holes and grilles used for ventilation purposes mustnot permit the infiltration of objects with diameter of Ø 12 mm. The flooring must be excavated to position the siphon(see the relevant instructions). ATTENTION: (IEC 60335-1/A2) The pressure of the wa-ter system supplying water to the appliance must notexceed 600 k Pa (6 bar).Electrical wiring setupThe power supply cable must be installed near the indicated po-sition (see technical specifications, ref. 2), leaving it long enoughso it can be connected to the box (fastened to the frame). Thecable can follow various paths provided that there are no looseconnections; refer to the chapter on “Electrical safety”.It is recommended to prepare the electrical power supply withone single-phase line (voltage between phase and neutral:220-240V).The device can be powered with a double phase line, providingthat the voltage between phases is 220-240V. ATTENTION: With the models equipped with heater,ensure that the building's electrical supply is able toprovide the power required (see relevant instructions)and that it is specifically dimensioned.Electrical safetyJacuzzi®” hydromassage products are safe appliances, manu-factured according to EN 60335.2.60, EN 55014, EN 55014-2.They are tested during manufacturing in order to guaranteeuser safety.Installation must be carried out by qualified and authorizedpersonnel, in compliance with the national provisions in force.