Is the water pressure at least 35 psi (241 kPa)? The waterpressure to the home determines the flow from the dispenser.See "Water Supply Requirements."Water filter installed on the refrigerator? Remove filter andoperate dispenser. If water flow increases, the filter may beclogged or incorrectly installed. Replace filter or reinstall itcorrectly.Refrigerator door closed completely? Close the door firmly.If it does not close completely, see "The doors will not closecompletely," earlier in this section.Recently removed the doors? Make sure the waterdispenser wire/tube assembly has been properly reconnected.See "Refrigerator Door(s) and Drawer."Reverse osmosis water filtration system connected toyour cold water supply? This can decrease water pressure.See "Water Supply Requirements."Water is leaking from the dispenser systemNOTE: One or two drops of water after dispensing is normal.• Glass not being held under the dispenser long enough?Hold the glass under the dispenser 2 to 3 seconds afterreleasing the dispenser lever.New installation? Flush the water system. See "WaterDispenser."Recently changed water filter? Flush the water system. See"Water Dispenser."Water on the floor near the base grille? Make sure the waterdispenser tube connections are fully tightened. See"Refrigerator Door(s) and Drawer."Water from the dispenser is warmNOTE: Water from the dispenser is only chilled to 50°F (10°C).• New installation? Allow 24 hours after installation for thewater supply to cool completely.• Recently dispensed large amount of water? Allow 24 hoursfor water supply to cool completely.• Water not been recently dispensed? The first glass of watermay not be cool. Discard the first glass of water.• Refrigerator connected to a cold water pipe? Make surethe refrigerator is connected to a cold water pipe. See "WaterSupply Requirements."WATERFILTERCERTIFICATIONSTrademark/Model DesignationUKI:8001 AXX-750469006-75067003523-750Manufacturer: CunoState of CaliforniaDepartment of Public HealthWater Treatment DeviceCertificate Number03- 1583Dat_ Issued: September 16, 2008Date Revised: April 22, 2009CystsTurbidityOrganic ContaminahtsAtrazineLindaneCarbofuranp-dichlorobenzene ,ToxapheneTetrachloroethyleneRated Service CapaciD': 750 gal. Rated Service Flow: 0.78 gpmConditions of Certification:Do ilo(use where water is microbiologically unsalb or wilh water o[" ur&nown quality, except that systems certifiedlbl cys_ reduction may be used on disJnl_ctcd waters that may contain Iilterable cystsState of CaliforniaDepartment of Public tlealtbWater Treatment DeviceCertificate Number09- 1979Date Issued: May 8, 2009Trademark/Model Designation Replacement EtenlentsUKF8001 AXX-200 UK F800Manufacturer: ('uno In_ a3M ('ompallyThe _vater treatment device(s) )isted on this e_rtfficate |la_e met the testing _:equire)gnents pursuant to Section116830 of the Health and Safety _}ode lor the |Mlowin8 health related eontaminanI_:Microbiological Contaminants and "1urbiditvCyst_TurbidityOrganic ContaminantsAtrazineBenzeneCarbofuranChlorobenzeneEndrmEthy/bcnzeneLindaneo-dichlorobenzcncp-dichlorobenzcneTetrachIoroethylcneI'oxaphcneRated Service Capacity: 200 gal Rated Service Flow: 0.78 gpmConditions of Certification:Do not use where water is microbiologically unsali_ or with watel of unknown qua]fly, except that systems certil_cdfor cyst reduction may be used on disinfected waters that may contain fiherabIe cysts•13