32VM9022HDPairing the Bluetooth System withYour Mobile Phone and Head Unit1. Press the button (8) to initiate the pairing process.Keep the mobile phone within 2 meters of the head unitwhen pairing. (To terminate the pairing process, pressthe button again.)2. Select the Bluetooth setup option on the mobile phoneto be paired (please refer to the phone’s instructionmanual to learn how to enter Bluetooth setup, turnBluetooth on/off, and perform pairing).NOTE: Some phones require a “pass key” or pairingcode to connect. If your phone requires a pass key orpairing code, you will need to enter this number in thePairing Code field under the Bluetooth SETUP menu. Thedefault pairing code for many phones is “0000”. Thedefault code for the VM9022HD is “1234”. See “BluetoothSub-menu Features” on page 18 for instructions onentering the pairing code.3. Select “VM9022HD” from the pairing list on the mobilephone.• If pairing is successful, the TFT will display the pairedmobile phone model number or name (as specified inyour phone’s Bluetooth Setup menu).• If pairing fails, “Phone Pairing Fail” is displayed at thebottom of the screen.ReconnectingOnce the Bluetooth device has been paired, you can touchthe connect button to reconnect.NOTE: You can only connect to a phone using thebuttons on the on-screen Phone interface.Each time the button is pressed, the head unit willautomatically reconnect with the mobile phone once (only ifthe mobile phone was previously paired with the head unit).Managing Incoming CallsWhen connected to a Bluetooth phone, the unit will muteaudio output, pause CD play, and change to the Bluetoothscreen when a call is received. An incoming phone numberwill appear at the top of the screen.Answering an Incoming CallTo answer the call, touch the button.For best reception, speak loudly and clearly. The microphoneis located on the left side of the unit.To end the conversation, press the button. The screen willdisplay the call duration for 3 seconds, and then return to theprevious mode.Rejecting an Incoming CallTouch the button to reject an incoming call. The call willrevert to your phone and can be answered directly or left forvoice mail.Volume ControlTo increase or decrease the volume level, turn the rotaryencoder (5) on the front panel or press the VOL+/ VOL-buttons (15, 16) on the remote control.Microphone MuteTo mute the microphone, touch the button. Touch again toresume microphone functionality.Making an Outgoing CallNOTE: Press the button from the main Bluetoothscreen to automatically dial the last call received.1. Touch the button to open the direct dial screen.2. Use the 0-9, *, and # buttons to input the phone number.• Touch the CLEAR button to clear the last digit.• Touch the button to clear the entire number andstart over.3. After entering the phone number, press the button todial the call. The direct dial screen will close once yourcall is connected.To end the conversation, press the button.Call TransferWhile talking, to transfer audio from the head unit back to themobile phone, touch the button (7). The TFT will display“Transfer”. You can only transfer a call after it has beenanswered.Menu ListThe menu list appears on the left side of the screen and canbe accessed from other modes by touching the MENU buttonon the right side of the screen.NOTE: Not all phones allow access to missed, receivedor dialed calls and some will not allow uploading of yourphone’s address book.Missed CallsThe Missed Calls list retrieves the list of Missed numbersfrom your phone. The last missed number is the first numberon the list. Touch the Missed Calls menu option to view thelist. To make a call from the Missed Calls list, touch thenumber and then touch the button. The TFT will display“Cannot get missed record” when the feature is not available.Dialed CallsThe Dialed Calls list retrieves the list of dialed numbers fromyour phone. The last dialed number is the first number on thelist. Touch the Dialed Calls menu option to view the list. Tomake a call from the Dialed Calls list, touch the number andthen touch the button. The TFT will display “Cannot getdialed record” when the feature is not available.Received CallsUse the Received Calls list to view the last 10 receivednumbers stored on your phone. To access the Received list,touch the Received Calls menu option. The last receivednumber is the first number on the list. To make a call from theReceived Calls list, touch the number and then touch thebutton. The TFT will display “Cannot get received record”when the feature is not available.Phone Book1. Touch the Phone Book menu option to display thephone book stored on your mobile phone, if compatible.The screen will display “Ready...” while the phone bookis downloading.2. Once the download is completed, you can use the arrowbuttons and scroll bar on the right side of the window tonavigate the list. Since the unit downloads one page ofentries at a time, there may be a slight delay while thenext page of numbers is downloaded.ExitClear1 2 34 5 67 8 90 #*