Jensen VM9213 Operation Manual
Also see for VM9213 - Touch Screen MultiMedia Receiver: Operation manualInstallation guideQuick reference guide
VM9213 ~Setting Options FunctionSub Filter 80Hz Selecting a crossover frequency120Hz sets a cut-off frequency of the sub-woofer's LPF (low-pass filter). The160Hz Crossover frequency setting has noeffect if the subwoofer is set to"OFF".Bluetooth Sub-menu FeaturesSetting Options FunctionBluetooth On Enable Bluetooth function.Off Disable Bluetooth function.Auto Answer On The unit automatically answers allincoming calls.Off Manually answer calls by touchingthe "call" button.Connect Manual Connect the last active mobilephone by touching the CONNECTicon when disconnected.Auto Automatically connect when yourpaired phone is in range.Pairing Code The default code is "1234". Touchthe keypad icon to open the keypadand enter the pairing code or passkey required for Bluetooth connec-tion to your mobile phone. Not allphones/devices require a pairingcode. The default code is "0000" formany models.Rating Sub-menu FeaturesThe DVD system has a built-in parental lock feature toprevent unauthorized persons from viewing restricted disccontent. By default, the rating system is unlocked. Oncesetup, the parental lock is released only by entering thecorrect password. Once the password is entered, rating isavailable for setup.Setting Options FunctionPassword ---- Enter a 4-digit password to activatethe "Rating" feature.Setting Options FunctionRating 1. Kid Safe Select the appropriate rating level2. G for the intended audience.3. PG You may override higher ratings byusing your password.4. PG-135. PG-R6.R7. NC-178. AdultLoad Factory Reset Select "Reset" to restore the factorydefault settings for all functionsexcept the Rating system.To reset the password, access the "RATING" menu and enterthe current password. Once the correct password is entered,you can access the "Password" field and enter a new one.NOTE: Record the password and keep it in a safe placefor future reference. The rating for each disc is markedon the disc, disc packing, or documentation. If the ratingis not available on the disc, the parental lock feature isunavailable. Some discs restrict only portions of the discand the appropriate content will play. For details, pleaserefer to the disc description.Hardware Sub-menu FeaturesIf the rear-view video camera is connected, the unit is on, andthe TFT monitor is retracted inside the unit, the TFT monitorautomatically moves into the viewing position and Cameramode is selected upon shifting into REVERSE gear. Whenshifting into DRIVE gear, the TFT monitor is retracted backinside unit.Setting Options FunctionCamera In NormalMirror Reverse the camera image as iflooking through a rear-view mirror.TFT Auto On The TFT panel automatically opensOpen when the unit is turned on.Off You must press the OPEN button(1) to open the TFT panel.Manual When the ignition is turned OFF, theTFT panel DOES NOT retract if itwas previously out10Setting Options FunctionVideo Input NTSC The color signals are output in the(Input cir- standard NTSC format.cuitry autode- PAL The color signals are output in thetects thevideo signal standard PAL format.from theAux Auto The color signal output is switchedIn source). automatically based on the currentvideo input signal - NTSC or PAL.If the monitor is in display mode, the monitor automaticallyswitches to CAMERA mode upon reverse driving. When thereverse driving stops, the monitor return to its original inputmode.P. VOL Sub-menu FeaturesSetting Options FunctionSource Radio Choose a source for which youDisc would like to increase the relativevolume (LEVEL).USBAUXIN1AUXIN2NAVIBTLevel 0-6 Increase relative volume for speci-fied source up to 6 decibbels.TS Cal (Screen Calibration)To access the "Screen Calibration" function from the SETUPmenu, select the "TS CAL" option.After entering calibration mode, a crosshair + appears in acorner quadrant of the screen. To begin calibration, press andhold the crosshair for one second until it moves to the nextquadrant. Continue for each quadrant until the calibration iscompleted.DEMO Sub-Menu FeaturesYou can stop/run demonstration mode or turn Demo AutoRun on/off by choosing the "Demo" option from the SETUPMENU.When "Demo Auto Run" is Off, you can select "Demo Mode>Run" to start Demo Mode. Demo Mode scrolls through thevarious source screens, simulating activity on the display."Demo Mode" is discreetly displayed in yellow text (below theclock), to indicate the unit is in Demo Mode. To stop DemoMode, press the upper-left quadrant of the TFT (Sourceselect). |
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