1211.0 Troubleshooting AB-12/14 Abrasive Saws11.1 Machine fault and operating problemsSymptom Possible Cause Correction*Motor will not turn Low voltage. Check power line for proper voltage.Open circuit in motor or looseconnection.Inspect all lead connections on motor for loose oropen connections.Emergency Stop engaged Rotate Emergency Stop button to disengage.Electrical power supply Check: the phases; the cables; the plug; the socket.Also check that the motor connections are in place.Trigger switch not activatingCheck that socket/plug connection from handle tomotor is inserted correctly; check micro-switch intrigger.Transformer Check that the voltages are present both on theinput and output. Otherwise replace.Magnetic ContactorCheck that the phases in it are present both on theinput and output, that it is not jammed, that it closeswhen powered and that it is not causing shortcircuits. Change if any of these problems are found.Thermal relayMake sure it is closed, i.e. check that the phasesare present in input and output, that it is not causingshort circuits and responds when the reset coil isclosed. If it has tripped to protect the motor, checkthe amperage setting, re-set, and check the motor.Change if necessary.MotorCheck that it has not burned out, that it turns freelyand that there is no moisture in the connectionterminal board box. The winding can be rewound orreplaced by experienced motor repair personnel.Motor will not start:fuses or circuit breakersblowShort circuit in line cord or plug. Inspect cord or plug for damaged insulation andshorted wires.Short circuit in motor or looseconnections.Inspect all connections on motor for loose orshorted terminals or worn insulation.Incorrect fuses or circuit breakersin power line.Install correct fuses or circuit breakers.Motor overheats Motor overloaded. Reduce load on motor.Air circulation through motorrestricted.Clean motor fan with compressed air to restorenormal air circulation.Motor stalls, resulting inblown fuses or trippedcircuitMotor overloaded. Reduce load on motor.Short circuit in motor or looseconnections.Inspect connections on motor for loose or shortedterminals or worn insulation.Low voltage. Correct the low voltage conditions.Incorrect fuses or circuit breakersin power line.Install correct fuses or circuit breakers.Machine slows whenoperatingApplying too much pressure. Feed blade into workpiece more slowly.Belt loose. Tighten belt.Loud, repetitive noisecoming from machineFloor uneven. Shim beneath stand to make level.Pulley setscrews or keys aremissing or loose.Inspect keys and setscrews. Replace or tighten ifnecessary.Motor fan is hitting the cover. Tighten fan or shim cover.V-belt is defective. Replace V-belt.Table 3*Warning: Some corrections may require a qualified electrician.