86.0 Machine setupThe saw delivered to you has been adjusted at thefactory. A number of test pieces have been cutusing the saw to verify the accuracy of cutting.Therefore, the only setup operations requiredbefore releasing the saw for service are spottingthe saw and establishing the electrical connectionsto the motor.6.1 Uncrating and spottingSpot the saw where it makes the most sense forthe operations you will probably be doing. If youare going to be doing cut-off work on very longpieces of stock, allow plenty of room for the stock,and the infeed and outfeed supports. Remove thesaw from the shipping skid and discard any hold-down devices that were used to secure the saw tothe skid.7.0 Electrical connectionsJET recommends that anywiring involving hard wiring of the saw to abranch, or any change of voltage supplied tothe motor be performed by a licensedelectrician.Observe the following when connecting to thepower source (wiring diagrams are shown insection 15.0):1. Make sure the saw is disconnected from thepower source, or that the fuses have beenremoved or breakers tripped in the circuit inwhich the saw will be connected. Place awarning placard on the fuse or circuit breakerto prevent accidental electrical shock.2. If you are installing the motor power cord into areceptacle, make sure to use the appropriateplug.3. If you are using hard-wired connections to ajunction box, connect the wires in the box, andclose the box.4. Install the fuses or reset the breaker.5. The saw is now ready for service.It is recommended that the single phase band saw(model J-7020), when operated on 115 volt power,be connected to a dedicated 30 amp circuit with a30 amp circuit breaker or time-delay fuse marked“D”. When operated on 230 volt power, use adedicated 15 amp circuit with a 15 amp circuitbreaker or time-delay fuse marked “D”.It is recommended that the three phase band saw(model J-7040) on 230 volt power be connected toa dedicated 15 amp circuit with a 20 amp circuitbreaker or time-delay fuse marked “D”; and for 460volt power, a dedicated 10 amp circuit with a 20amp circuit breaker or time-delay fuse marked “D”.NOTE: Local codes take precedence overrecommendations.8.0 Operating instructions8.1 ControlsThe operating controls for the saw are provided ina control panel on the left side of the machine. Thecontrol panel is mounted on a pivoting tube. Thepivoting tube allows the operator to position thecontrol panel in a convenient location.Figure 1: Control panel1. A power-on light is provided on the left side ofthe control panel. The power-on light indicateswhen power is connected to the machine.2. An emergency stop button is provided on thecontrol panel. The emergency stop buttonprovides a means to rapidly cut off electricalpower.3. The saw motor pushbutton switch starts thesaw motor and the E-stop button stops thesaw motor.4. A green pushbutton switch is provided to theright of the emergency stop pushbutton. Thepushbutton opens an electro-magnetic valve inthe hydraulic cylinder circuit. Opening thevalves allows the saw head to move downwardand put the saw blade in contact with theworkpiece.5. A red release button on the electro-magneticvalve provides a means to lower the saw headwhen power to the machine has beendisconnected (see Figure 4).6. The rate at which the saw head movesdownward is controlled by a hydraulic feedrate control located on the top, rear of the sawhead (see Figure 3).7. A coolant pump switch is provided on theelectrical equipment box on the back of themachine (see figure 2).8.2 Setting blade speed1. The blade speed is controlled by anadjustment mechanism on the right end of thesaw. Speed increases when the adjustment