14AdjustmentsAdjusting Blade Support/GuideHeightThe upper blade support and guide mechanismcan be adjusted to accommodate the height of thework piece.1. To adjust the support, loosen the knob thatclamps the support rod, then move the supportup or down in its holder. (Refer to Figure 3 forlocation of the support mechanism.)2. Adjust the support so that there is spacebetween the support and work piece. Space ofapproximately 1/8-inch is generallyappropriate.Adjusting Blade TensionBlade tension is set by a spring loaded tensionmechanism on the upper drive wheel. Check thelevel of the tension device before cutting. Thetension for various blade widths is indicated on thecasting on the tension device.Figure 8: Saw Blade Tension and TrackingMechanismAdjusting Table Angle(Refer to Figure 9.) The angle gauge is under thefront of the table. The angle gauge shows theangle of the table relative to the saw blade. Thetable is mounted on trunnions that allowadjustment downward 45 degrees, and upward 10degrees. Loosen the two trunnion lock knobsslightly to adjust the table angle and retighten thelock knobs.Figure 9: Table Tilt Mechanism and AngleGaugeNOTE: By adjusting the positive leveling stop onthe table leveling mechanism, it is possible to tiltthe table upward 10 degrees. When returning to0degrees, the table leveling mechanism must bereset after completing the sawing operation (referto Machine Set-up).WARNING: When cutting at an angle with atilted table, provide a guide against which thematerial being cut can rest. Cutting “freehand”at an angle can result in injury, and make itdifficult to maintain an accurate cut.Leveling Work TableThe table can be adjusted to level the table relativeto the saw blade. Use the following method:1. Unplug the electrical cord or open the circuitbreaker in the branch circuit.2. Move the upper blade guide assembly to thevery top of its travel.3. Make sure the blade is straight, and fullytensioned. (A damaged or worn blade mayprovide a poor reference surface for squaringthe table.)4. Loosen the table lock knobs and hold the tablefirmly against its positive leveling stop.