2313. To re-install the cutterhead, reverse theabove steps.Note: Make sure that the fence base castingis level with the Outfeed table whensecuring.11.3 Table coplanarityFor optimum jointer performance, infeed andoutfeed tables must be coplanar; that is, parallelfront-to-back and side-to-side. If they are notparallel in both planes, the finished workpiecemay have a slight taper across its width orlength.The tables have been properly aligned at thefactory. However, this should be confirmed bythe operator in case misalignment has occurredduring shipping. Also, as the machine receivesuse, this coplanarity should be checkedperiodically and adjusted if necessary.The following procedure uses a steel straightedge to set the tables, which should be accurateenough for most purposes. Adjustment ofoutfeed table is shown; procedure for infeedtable will be identical.1. Disconnect jointer from power source.2. Remove cutterhead guard.3. Slide fence assembly back until it clears thetables.4. Loosen wing screws (B, Figure 8-8).5. Loosen lock knob (Figure 8-9), and raiseoutfeed table higher than the cutterhead.Tighten lock knob.6. Place straight edge across front of outfeedtable and extending over infeed table.7. Raise infeed table until it contacts straightedge, and tighten infeed table in position.8. The straight edge should lie evenly acrossboth tables without gaps between straightedge and table. Move straight edge to rearof outfeed table, and perform the same test.9. If straight edge does not lie evenly, the frontor back of table must be adjusted to makethe tables coplanar. Proceed as follows:10. Loosen locknuts and set screws (A, Figure8-8) on outfeed table.11. Place a thin metal shim, such as a piece ofaluminum can, between outfeed table anddovetail slide, in the location that needs tobe raised. Confirm the setting with thestraight edge; use additional shim(s) ifneeded.12. Tighten set screws (A, Figure 8-8) forappropriate dovetail movement, according toinstructions under Gib Adjustment.13. Tighten locknuts (A, Figure 8-8) and wingscrews (B, Figure 8-8).14. Recheck table and knife settings. See sect.8.6, 8.7, Lubrication Use a good grade of light grease on thesteel adjusting screws located in the raisingand lowering mechanisms of the worktables. Occasionally, apply a few drops of lightmachine oil to the infeed/outfeed gibs. Thispermits the tables to slide freely.The cutterhead ball bearings are lifetimelubricated and need no further care.