HD 4000 C / HD 6000 C English5.956-648 A10369 (06/98)2. Using Emergency-STOPTurn the Emergency-STOP masterswitch to the 0 (OFF) position.nOpen the handgun until the waterpressure has dissipated.nUsing the locking feature, secure thehandgun against being openedinadvertently.3. Starting the SystemBefore commissioning this system it isessential that you read the OperatingInstructions, and to be certain that youhave understood all the informationpresented herein.! Danger!nInjury hazard through exiting water jet ofhigh-pressure or high-temperaturewater. Before each system start, checkhigh-pressure hose, tubing, valves andhigh-pressure lance for damages.Correct any leaks in connections orcouplings without delay.nPoisoning hazard or chemical burnhazard through cleaning detergents.Observe all safety instructions oncleaning detergent labels. Protectcleaning detergent storage againstaccess by unauthorised persons.A sharp and powerful waterjet exits fromthe orifice of the spray lance nozzle. Whenoperating the spray lance, keep in mind thefollowing:! Danger!nDeadly electrical shock hazard.Do not aim the waterjet at– electrical devices and systems– at any parts of the system properAll live components within the workingarea must be spray-water protected.B. System OperationB2!Danger!nInjury hazard.Hazard of chemical burns caused bycleaning detergents.Scalding hazard through hot water.Do not aim waterjet at persons oranimals.Strictly observe safety instructions ondetergent labels.nBurn injury hazard through hot systemcomponents.During hot-water operation, do not touchnon-insulated pipe installations and hosecouplings. Grasp the jet lance by thegrip surfaces only.nInjury hazard through recoil action.The force of the recoil action may throwyou off balance, and you may fall down.The spray lance may whip around andinjure persons standing nearby.Select a secure foothold position andfirmly grasp the handgun.Never wedge the handgun trigger in theopen position.nInjury hazard through flying debris.Flying debris or objects can cause injuryto persons or animals. Never aim thewater jet at fragile or loose objects.nHealth hazard posed by toxic substances.Do not spray clean the followingmaterials, because substances known topose a risk to human health may beswirled up:– Materials containing asbestos– Materials that could possibly containtoxic substances hazardous to humanhealth.nAccident hazard due to hidden damage!Clean tires and valve stems from aminimum distance of 30 cm.nInjury hazard through exiting water jet ofhigh-pressure or high-temperature water.Only original Kärcher high-pressurehoses are optimised for the demandinguse in the system.No warranty claims are accepted in theevent that other types of hoses are used.