12 English CAUTION Before cleaning any surface an in-conspicuous area should be cleanedto test spray pattern and distance formaximum cleaning results. If painted surfaces are peeling orchipping, use extreme caution aspressure washer may remove theloose paint from the surface. When using on surfaces which mightcome in contact with food, flush sur-faces with plenty of drinking water. For additional cleaning tips and acomplete video library, visit our web-site:www.karcherresidential.com(with or without detergent). Pre-rinsedeck and surrounding area with freshwater. If using detergent, apply to sur-face at low pressure. For best results,limit your work area to smaller sectionsof approximately 25 square feet. Allowdetergent to remain on surface 1-3 min-utes. Do not allow detergent to dry onsurface. Rinse at high pressure in a longsweeping motion keeping the spray noz-zle approximately 3-6 inches from thecleaning surface. Always clean from topto bottom and from left to right. Whenmoving on to a new section of the clean-ing surface, be sure to overlap the previ-ous section to eliminate stop marks andensure a more even cleaning result.(with or without detergent). Pre-rinsecleaning surface with fresh water. If us-ing detergent, apply to surface at lowpressure (for best results, limit yourwork area to sections of approximately6 feet and always apply detergent frombottom to top). Allow detergent to re-main on surface 1-3 minutes. Do not al-low detergent to dry on surface, ifsurface appears to be drying, simply wetdown surface with fresh water. If need-ed, use special wash brush attachment(not included) to remove stubborn dirt.Rinse at high pressure from top to bot-tom in an even sweeping motion keep-ing the spray nozzle approximately6 inches from the cleaning surface.(with or without detergent). Pre-rinsecleaning surface with fresh water. If us-ing detergent or Degreaser, apply tosurface at low pressure. For best re-sults, limit your work area to smaller sec-tions of approximately 25 square feet.Allow detergent or Degreaser to remainon surface 1-3 minutes. Do not allow de-tergent to dry on surface. Rinse at highpressure in a sweeping motion keepingthe spray nozzle approximately 3-6inches from the cleaning surface. Al-ways clean from top to bottom and fromleft to right. For removing extremelystubborn stains, use the Dirtblaster ®Nozzle.(with or without detergent). Pre-rinsevehicle with fresh water. If using deter-gent, apply to surface at low pressure.For best results, clean one side of vehi-cle at a time and always apply detergentfrom bottom to top, do not allow deter-gent to dry on surface. If needed, usespecial wash brush attachment (not in-cluded) to remove stubborn dirt. Rinseat high pressure in a sweeping motionkeeping the spray nozzle approximately6-8 inches from the cleaning surface(distance should increase when rinsingpin-striping or other sensitive surfaces).CLEANING TIPSDeck CleaningHouse SidingCement Patios, Brick and StoneCars, Boats & Motorcycles