English 15For more effortless cleaning of allsmooth surfaces (painted, glass andplastic) try the Kärcher ® Rotating WashBrush. Use it on your automobile, housesiding or windows. The water pressurefrom your pressure washer causes theinner brushes to gently spin, makingyour cleaning job much easier. The an-gle of brush head is adjustable to helpyou reach difficult areas. Excellent forthe application of detergent. A must-have accessory designed for Kärcher ®pressure washers up to 2300 PSI. (bay-onet)Part No. 2.640-743.0Made with soft bristles that will not harmpainted surfaces. Easily attaches direct-ly to the trigger gun. Ideal for stubborndirt on cars, boats, patio furniture andother surfaces. Great for applying deter-gent. Fits most Kärcher ® pressurewashers up to 2300 PSI. (bayonet)Part No. 2.640-740.0Need to clean blocked pipes, drains ordownspouts? The Kärcher ® pipe clean-ing kit is the answer! The pipe cleanerpropels itself forward while simultane-ously flushing out debris. For example,insert the cleaning nozzle in the base ofa downspout, pull the trigger on thepressure washer gun and watch as thenozzle shoots out leaves and other de-bris while climbing upward. Connects di-rectly to the trigger gun of mostKärcher ® pressure washers up to2300 PSI. (bayonet)Part No. 2.640-747.0Why spend hours stripping old paint andrust by hand using harsh chemicals? Letthe Kärcher ® Wet Sandblasting Kit dothe work! Attach the kit to your pressurewasher, add abrasive material and at-tack the rust and paint with our eco-friendly alternative. Fits most Kärcher ®pressure washers up to 2300 PSI. (bay-onet)Part No. 2.638-792.0Ideal for applications which require athick foam. Simply fill the resevoir cupwith liquid pressure washer detergent togenerate a foam spray. Connects direct-ly to the trigger gun. Fits most Kärcher ®pressure washers up to 2300 PSI. (bay-onet)Part No. 6.964-507.0For cleaning surfaces such as patios,terraces and driveways without splash-back, there is no better solution than theKärcher ® T 200. It saves time by clean-ing a 30 cm (1 ft.) wide area gently as ithovers, providing consistent, streak-freecleaning. When you finish cleaning thepatio and driveway, remove the wandand use the handle to clean garagedoors and other vertical surfaces. In-cludes two nozzles which spin at highspeed for optimum results. Our top sell-ing accessory for Kärcher ® pressurewashers up to 2300 PSI. (bayonet)Part No. 2.642-188.0Rotating Wash Brush (bayonet)Soft Clean Washing Brush7.5 m (25 ft.) Pipe Cleaning Kit(bayonet)Wet Sandblasting Kit (bayonet)Detergent Foamer AttachmentT 200 Wide Area Surface Cleaner