English 5 High-pressure hoses, fixtures and cou-plings are important for the safety of theappliance. Only use high-pressure hos-es, fixtures and couplings recommend-ed by the manufacturer. When disconnecting the supply or highpressure hose, hot water may leak fromthe connections after operation. CAUTION Mind the weight of the appliance whenselecting the storage location and dur-ing transport (see technical data) to pre-vent accidents or injuries. WARNING This appliance was designed to beused with detergents which are sup-plied or recommended by the manufac-turer. The use of other detergents orchemicals may compromise the safetyof the appliance. The improper use of detergents cancause severe injuries or toxication. Store detergents away from the reachof children. CAUTIONSafety installations serve the protection of theuser and may not be modified or bypassed.The appliance switch prevents unintention-al operation of the appliance.This lock locks the lever of the trigger gunand prevents the inadvertent start of the ap-pliance.The overflow valve prevents the permissi-ble working pressure from being exceeded.If the lever on the trigger gun is releasedthe pressure switch turns off the pump, thehigh pressure jet is stopped. If the lever ispulled the pump is turned on again.The motor protection switch switches offthe device if the power consumption is high. CAUTION Wear protective clothing and safetygoggles to protect against splash backcontaining water or dirt. During the use of high-pressure clean-ers aerosols can develop. Inhaling aer-osols can cause health damage.– Depending on the application, com-pletely shielded nozzles (e.g. surfacecleaner) that significantly reduce theemission of aqueous aerosols can beused for high-pressure cleaning.– The use of such shielding is not possi-ble with all applications.– If the use of a completely shielded noz-zle is not possible, a respirator of thecategory FFP 2 or the like should beused, depending on the environment tobe cleaned.Working with detergentSafety DevicesAppliance switchLock trigger gunOverflow valve with pressure switchMotor protection switchSymbols on the machineThe high pressure jet must not bedirected at persons, animals, liveelectrical equipment or at the ap-pliance itself.Gerät vor Frost schützen.The appliance must not be directlyconnected to the public drinkingwater network.Personal protective equipment