15Failure to do this will seriously damage your machine andinvalidate the warranty.• Connect the water supply hose and, without the lance attached,squeeze the Spray Gun lever to run water through your pressurewasher until the water flow is constant. Then plug in to the electricsupply.• Unless drawing water from an open water source such as a waterbutt, always have a minimum of 10 metres (25 feet) of uncoiled hosebetween the water tap and your machine. The internal diameter ofthe feed water hose should be 12 mm (1/2”).• Water Regulations require the use of a back-flow preventer valve atthe tap end of the supply hose.Only use a full flow connector to connect the hose to the machine.Electricity• If using an electrical extension lead it must be rated at a minimumof 13 amps.• Always fully uncoil any extension lead when used.ChemicalsUse of chemicals other than those recommended by Karcher couldcause significant damage which may not be covered by your warranty.• After using chemicals, always run fresh water through your machine.• The high pressure hose of your Karcher Pressure Washer should notbe mistreated. It is designed to withstand high pressure operation sovehicles should NOT run over it, nor should it be pulled across sharpor abrasive edges. These actions may weaken the hose and causeballooning.IMPORTANTREMEMBER FROST WILL DAMAGE YOUR KARCHERPRESSURE WASHER IF IT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETELYEMPTIED OF WATER AFTER USE. ALWAYS STORE IN AFROST FREE AREA.