English 17If the symptom you areexperiencing is not listed above, orif the provided solutions do notsolve your issue, please visit ourextensive online troubleshootingdatabase at:USA/Canada:www.karcher-help.comMexico:www.karcher.com.mxOr Call:1-800-537-4129Spray wandleaksSpray wand notproperly attached.Insert the spray wand into the triggergun. Carefully press in against thespring tension and twist into thelocked position.Broken o-ring or plasticinsert.Visit www.karcher-help.com or locatea service centre.Pump is noisyPump is sucking in air. Check that hoses and fittings are airtight. Turn off machine and purgepump by squeezing trigger gun until asteady flow of water emerges throughthe nozzle.Water leaksfrom pump(up to 10drops perminute ispermissible).Loose fittings. Tighten fittings.Water seals aredamaged or worn.Visit www.karcher-help.com or locatea service centre.Oil Drip Oil Seals aredamaged or worn.Visit www.karcher-help.com or locatea service centre.Symptom Cause Solution