91. Disconnect all water connections.2. Turn on the machine for a few seconds, untilthe water which had remained inthe pump exits. Turn off immediately.3. Do not allow high pressure hose to becomekinked.4. Store the machine and accessories ina room which does not reach freezingtemperatures. DO NOT store near furnanceor other sources of heat as it may dry outthe pump seals.Caution: Failure to follow the abovedirections will result in damage to the pumpassembly and accessories.Recommendations• Before cleaning any surface aninconspicuous area should be cleaned totest spray pattern and distance formaximum cleaning results.• If painted surfaces are peeling or chipping,use extreme caution as pressure washermay remove the loose paint from thesurface.• When using on surfaces which might comein contact with food, flush surfaces withplenty of drinking water.Deck Cleaning(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse deck and surrounding area with freshwater. If using Kärcher Deck Wash, placedetergent suction tube directly into cleaningsolution and apply to surface at low pressure.For best results, limit your work area to smallersections of approximately 25 square feet. AllowDeck Wash to remain on surface 1-3 minutes.Do not allow detergent to dry on surface. Rinseat high pressure in a long sweeping motionkeeping the spray nozzle approximately 3-6inches from the cleaning surface. Always cleanfrom top to bottom and from left to right. Whenmoving on to a new section of the cleaningsurface, be sure to overlap the previous sectionto eliminate stop marks and ensure a moreeven cleaning result.House Siding(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse cleaning surface with fresh water. Ifusing Kärcher Pressure Wash, place detergentsuction tube directly into cleaning solution andapply to surface at low pressure (for bestresults, limit your work area to sections ofapproximately 6 feet and always applydetergent from bottom to top). Allow PressureWash to remain on surface 1-3 minutes. Do notallow detergent to dry on surface, if surfaceappears to be drying, simply wet down surfacewith fresh water. If needed, use special WashBrush Attachment (not included) to removestubborn dirt. Rinse at high pressure from topto bottom in an even sweeping motion keepingthe spray nozzle approximately 6 inches fromthe cleaning surface.Cement Patios, Brick & Stone(with or without detergent)Pre-rinse cleaning surface with fresh water. Ifusing Kärcher Pressure Wash or Degreaser,place detergent suction tube directly intocleaning solution and apply to surface at lowpressure. For best results, limit your work areato smaller sections of approximately 25 squarefeet. Allow Pressure Wash or Degreaser toremain on surface 1-3 minutes. Do not allowdetergent to dry on surface. Rinse at highpressure in a sweeping motion keeping thespray nozzle approximately 3-6 inches from thecleaning surface. Always clean from top tobottom and from left to right.CLEANING TIPSWINTERIZING AND LONG-TERM STORAGE