English 5Definition ofabbreviations used:HP = High pressureDT = DetergentW hen unpacking the product,make surethatno accessoriesare missing and thatnone ofthe package contentshave beendamaged.Ifyou detectanytransportdamagesplease contactyourdealer.The accessories,high pressure hose andgun are included in the delivery and storedwithin the appliance.The appliance comesfullymounted,onlythe bearing wheels,thehandgun and the coupling elementforthewaterconnection need to be assembled.Illustrations on Page 21 Connection forwatersupplywith filter2 Coupling elementforwaterconnection3 Powercord with plug4 Storage,powercord5 ON/OFF switch forappliance6 Transporthandle,retractable7 Transporthandle lock8 Internalcover9 Accessorymount10 DT tank11 DT suction hose with filter12 DT metering regulator13 HP hose14 Handgun with safetycatch15 HP hose drum with handle16 Bearing wheel17 Carrying handle18 Spraylance with Variopowernozzle19 W ashing brush" Remove the coupling elementfrom thelowerpackaging unitand mountit." Remove both bearing wheelsfrom thelowerpackaging units." Insertthe bearing wheelsinto the axleboxand lockthem." Push outthe safetyclip in the handgunusing e.g.a smallscrewdriver." Join HP hose and handgun together." Push clip in untilitengagesand checkthatitissecurelyfastened bypulling onthe HP hose.Forconnection values,see type plate/technicaldata.Observe regulationsofwatersupplier." Use a fibre-reinforced hose (notincluded)with a standard coupling:-Minimum diameter,1/2 inches(13mm).-Minimum length,7.5 m." Screw the coupling unit(supplied)to thewaterconnection on the appliance." Push the watersupplyhose onto thecoupling unit,then connectitto the tap.CautionNeveroperate the high-pressure cleanerwhenthe tap isturnedoffasdryrunning willdamage the HP pump.Ifthe watersupplyisnotclean,the Kärcherwaterfiltermustbe used (specialaccessory-orderNo.4.730-059).Com m issioning and operationDescription ofthe ApplianceBefore Com m issioningW atersupplyW atersupply from m ains