Figure A1 Grounded outlet box2 Current carrying prongsGrounding prong is longest of the 3 prongsFigure B1 Grounded outlet box2 Grounding means3 AdapterNote: In Canada, the use of a temporaryadapter is not permitted by the CanadianElectrical Code.In a double-insulated machine, two sys-tems of insulation are provided instead ofgrounding. No grounding means is provid-ed on a double-insulated machine, norshould a means for grounding be added tothe machine. Servicing a double-insulatedmachine requires extreme care and knowl-edge of the system, and should be doneonly by qualified service personnel. Re-placement parts for a double-insulated ma-chine must be identical to the parts theyreplace.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR POWERCORD.Servicing of double-insulated machines7EN