6 7Four drive units in a three-way configuration areemployed in the Model 205/2. The single Uni-Qdriver array for upper mid-range and highfrequencies with ultrasonic extension, and a pairof 200mm (8in.) drive units in IDL configurationfor low frequencies. This system works optimallyin medium to large rooms where its controlledand extended bass lays a strong foundation tothe superior imaging of the Uni-Q driver array.Model 203/2 is a floorstanding three-wayloudspeaker with four drive units designed forhigh quality reproduction in medium sized roomsor where space is limited. Two 165mm (6.5in.)drive units in IDL configuration handle bassfrequencies, the mid-range and high frequenciesare handled by the Uni-Q driver arrayextending the response smoothly into theultrasonic region.Model 205/2 Model 203/2Model 207/2The KEF Reference Series products covered bythis manual are loudspeakers designed primarilyto operate away from room boundaries(free space), where the renowned stereoimaging of the Uni-Q driver array is at its best.However, a bass level adjustment is provided(Uni Balance) on all Reference Series Modelswhich corrects the response to allow forplacement close to a wall.In addition, all the models listed featurea four step independent HF adjustment(also accessed via the Uni Balance terminals) toallow further tailoring to a particular acousticenvironment or to allow for the presentationof accompanying electronics.All models use Reference matched drive unitsand crossovers that have been manufactured tolaboratory-standards and rigorously tested atevery stage of production. The drivercomplement of each system reflects theincreasing performance capabilities of eachmodel, particularly its ability to reproduce widerbandwidth at higher output levels.Independent Driver Loading (IDL) is utilised forthe bass sections of this new Reference Range.Using two identical bass units rather than asingle larger one has the advantage ofmaintaining a slim profile for the cabinet andsubsequently wide and even sound dispersion.Internally, however, a tall slim enclosure suffersfrom strong top-to-bottom acoustic standingwaves which are very difficult to control.IDL divides the enclosure into two half-heightenclosures, one for each bass driver, with muchimproved internal acoustics.Thanks to their internal Magnetic Shielding,these loudspeakers may be used close-to orbeside a television set or video monitor,when used in front left and right channelpositions in Home Theatre or SurroundSound applications.The centre loudspeakers also include abass adjustment for TV or wall mounting,plus a high frequency boost facility for whenthey need to be mounted behind an acousticallytransparent screen.All models are timbre matched to each other socombining different models in an AV system is noproblem. Extra Reference loudspeakers can beadded to your system with the knowledgethat the system tonal balance and integration willbe maintained.Wide entry, gold-plated tri-wire/tri-ampterminals are fitted to the custom-designedmoulded terminal assembly at the rear of theloudspeaker cabinet. This allows the use of themany different gauges of loudspeaker cable thatare available.Overview of Common Features of KEF ReferenceThe flagship of the new KEF Referencerange, Model 207/2 is designed to faithfullyreproduce the full bandwidth anddynamics of music signals. It is a nocompromise design where acousticperformance is the prime objective.A complex, fully fourth order, high-quality,hand-soldered dividing network and fivedrive units are utilised in the Model 207/2.The dividing network has its cross-overpoints at 120Hz, 400Hz and 2.3kHzand smoothly directs appropriatefrequencies to the relevant drive units.The new 165mm (6.5in.) Reference SeriesUni-Q driver array is used here for uppermid, high and very high frequencies.A 250mm (10in.) lower mid-rangeunit fitted within its own individualcompartment and two 250mm (10in.)fibre reinforced pulp-cone bass units,mounted in IDL (Independent DriverLoading) configuration, complete thedriver complement.