CPB-BA-defsi-0611 57Error message Description Possible causesErr 4 Zeroing only in the permittedrange (4% of the max. weigh-ing range) and not for over-load/underload• Object on the weighingplate• Overload when zeroing• Improper adjustment• Damaged weighing cell• Damaged electronicsErr 5 Keyboard error • Improper operation of thebalanceErr 6 Value outside the A/D changerrange• Weighing plate not in-stalled• Damaged weighing cell• Damaged electronicsFAIL H orFAIL LAdjustment error • Improper adjustment• Deviation to factory ad-justment > 10%Err 8 Adjustment error • Improper adjustment• Incorrect adjusting weight• Balance unstableErr 9 Weighing result unstable • Draught/air movement• Table/floor vibrationsShould other error messages occur, switch balance off and then on again. If the errormessage remains inform manufacturer.