Ö Weigh the material, the net weight will be indicated.246gThe taring process can be repeated any number of times,e.g. when adding several components for a mixture(adding). The limit is reached when the whole weighingrange is exhausted.The weight of the weighing container will be displayed as aminus number after removing the weighing container.The tare weight is saved until it is deleted.Delete tare Ö Unload the balance and press the TARE button, the zerodisplay appears.0gPRE-TAREfunctionUsing this function the weight of a tare vessel is stored. Evenafter turning off/on the weighing balance will continue workingwith the saved tare value.Ö In weighing mode put tare vessel on the weighing plateÖ Press repeatedly the MODE key until „PtArE“ flashingappears.Ö Use SET key to store the current weight on the weighingplate as a PRE-TARE value.Delete PRE-TAREvalue Ö Remove all loads from the balance, press TARE and pressrepeatedly the MODE key until „PtArE“ flashing appears.Ö Use the SET key to confirm. The PRE-TARE value isdeleted, the zero display appears.EMS-BA-e-1112 14