EOB/EOE/EOB/EOS/BOBP-BA-e-0620 198 Operation8.1 WeighingSwitch the balance on by pressing the ON/ key.The balance will show “88888“ for approx. 3 seconds and then change to “0“. Now itis ready for use.Important: If the display does not show “0“ press the TARE key.Only now (!) place object on the weighing pan. Make sure that the weighing objectdoes not stripe or touch the housing or base.Now the weight will be indicated.If the object should be heavier than the weighing range allowance, the symbolErr(overload) will appear on the display.8.2 Taring (TARE key)Switch the balance on by pressing the ON key, then wait for the “0“ indication.Place the jiffy on the weighing pan and press the TARE key. Display again shows “0“.Now the weight of the jiffy is memorised internally.By pressing the TARE key after a weighing procedure, “0“ will appear on the displayagain.The taring procedure can be repeated continuously, for instance when mixing severalcomponents.The limit is reached when the full weighing range is overlaid.After having removed the jiffy the total weight will appear as a minus indication.