11. Troubleshooting guideCase 1. Starting failureRPKCEHC OBABLE CAUSES ACTIONfuel tank incorrect fuel drain it and use correct fuelfuel filter fuel filter is clogged cleancarburetor adjustment screw out of normal range adjust to normal rangesparking (no spark) spark plug is fouled/wet clean/dryplug gap is incorrect correct (GAP: 0.6 ~ 0.7 mm)spark plug disconnected retightenCase 2. Engine starts but does not keep running/hard re-startingRPKCEHC OBABLE CAUSES ACTIONfuel tank incorrect fuel or staled fuel drain it and use correct fuelcarburetor adjustment screw out of normal range adjust to normal rangemuffler, cylinder (exhaust port) carbon is built-up consult with the repair specialty storeair cleaner clogged with dust washcylinder fin, fan cover clogged with dust consult with the repair specialty store1312. Spare partsVisit www.kiamproducts.co.uk 2-stroke oil, protective safety equipment, spare parts and accessories.13