Windows ME / 2000 / XPNone of the Kanguru QS2 hard drives require any driver files for Win ME,Win2000, or Win XP. These operating systems include a USB Mass Storagedriver, which will support all Kanguru QS2 hard drives.Simply plug in the Kanguru QS2 into the USB 2.0 port and Windows willautomatically detect the new hardware and install the appropriate driver.When the installation has completed successfully, you will find a “RemovableDisk” drive icon showing in the “My Computer” screen.Macintosh 8.6 and laterIf you are using Mac OS 8.6, you must install Mass Storage Support 1.3.5. Thisfile is included in the Kanguru drivers & manuals CD, but may also bedownloaded from the Apple Software Updates website at do not need to install any USB drivers if you are using Mac OS 9.0 or later.Notice: The Kanguru hard drive icon may take up to 10 minutes to initiallyappear on your desktop. If you are solely using your drive with Macs, pleaseformat your drive as a Mac Hard Drive to avoid this delay.Firewire:There are no drivers needed for the Firewire Kanguru QS2 drives in any of theoperating systems. The drives are compatible in Win 98SE, ME, 2000, XP andVista, as well as Mac 8.6 and above.Notice: The Removable Drive icon will only appear on your desktop when theQS2 is connected to the computer and powered on via the external powersupply. The Kanguru Hard Drive icon may take up to 10 minutes to initiallyappear on your desktop. If you are solely using your drive with Macs, pleaseformat your drive as a Mac Hard Drive to avoid this delay.If you continue to experience issues, please restart your computer.If you are still having trouble please make sure your Mac OS have the followingextensions:• Firewire Authoring Support• Firewire Enabler• Firewire Support