System MenuP. 107Touch CurveWhen playing a piano, the volume of the sound produced increases in direct relation to how hard akey is struck. The CP’s Normal Touch curve offers the standard feel of an acoustic piano for practicingmusic. The CP offers five other touch curves ranging from light to heavy.Normal This is the standard touch of an acoustic piano.Light 1, 2 For those still developing finger strength, such as a child, a louder sound isproduced even when the piano is played with a soft touch. Light 2 is lighter thanLight 1.Heavy 1, 2 Perfect for those with strong fingers. Requires a heavier touch to produce a loudvolume. Heavy 2 is heavier than Heavy 1.Off A constant volume is produced regardless of how hard the keys are struck. Thissetting is suitable for sounds that have a fixed dynamic range such as Organ orHarpsichord.• LIGHT and HEAVY do not represent the physical weight of the keys. These are settings thataffect the sensitivity of the keys, which determines the volume level in response to the keymovement.L1 Selects the normal setting.L2 Selects a moderately light touch.L3 Selects a light touch.L4 Selects a moderately heavy touch.L5 Selects a heavy touch.R1 Turns off the Touch sensitivity entirely.F1 Takes you to the System menu.L 1L 2L 3L 4L 5F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7R 1R 2R 3R 4R 5