– 19 –4. TURNING SENDING PROGRAM NUMBER ON AND OFFYou can use 8 tone buttons to transmit Program Number via MIDI. Pressing PIANO 1 buttontransmits Number 0, PIANO 2 for Number 1, E.PIANO for Number 2, CHURCH ORGAN forNumber 5, HARPSICHORD for Number 11, VIBRAPHONE for Number 6, STRINGS for Number7, CHOIR for Number 12.(1) If you press any B-flat key while holding down the TOUCH and TRANSPOSE buttons, thisfunction is set to “off” and the PN81 does not transmit the data corresponding to the tone selectedon the panel. If you press the B-flat key again while holding down the TOUCH and TRANSPOSEbuttons, this function returns to “on” and you can select the tone to transmit as data.(2) Release both hands after selecting either “on” or “off” of sending program number.When the power is first turned on, the SENDING MIDI PROGRAM NUMBER is always “on”.5. TURNING MULTITIMBRE ON AND OFFNormally, the procedure described in the MIDI CHANNEL SELECT section is usedto transmit or receive data on only one MIDI channel (any one of 1 through 16). But by turning theMULTI TIMBRE function “on”, you can receive more than one MIDI channel and simultaneouslyplay a different timbre on each channel. With this feature, you can use a sequencer such as theKawai DRP-10 to create performances with contain a variety of timbres on the digital piano. Theterm “Multi Timbre” is derived from this ability to play multiple timbre simultaneously.(1) If you press any A-flat key while holding down the TOUCH and TRANSPOSE buttons, theMIDI MULTITIMBRE will be set to “on”. If you press any A-flat key again while holding downthe TOUCH and TRANSPOSE buttons, the MIDI MULTITIMBRE function returns to “off”.(2) Release both hands after selecting the desired setting.When power is first turned on, the MIDI MULTITIMBRE setting is always off.CHANNEL TONE COLOR CHANNEL TONE COLOR1 PIANO 12 PIANO 23 E. PIANO457 HARPSICHORD8 VIBRAPHONE91012 STRINGS1113 CHOIR6 CHURCH ORGAN 141516