13© Kemppi Oy / 1410EN13selected. The shielding gas flows and the HF (High Frequency arc) ignites thewelding arc.Setting parametersSelect the welding parameters with the arrow keys (3) and adjust theparameter values with the control knob (8). When setting the parameters,the indicators (2) will show the parameter being adjusted and the display (9)will show the numeric value that will be set. After three seconds, the displayreturns to normal state and shows the welding current value.3.4 Setup featuresConfiguring additional featuresThe machine has additional features that can be selected and adjusted withthe SETUP feature. To activate and deactivate it, press both arrow buttons (3)simultaneously for at least 5 seconds.In the SETUP mode, the display will show the name of the parameter to beadjusted and its numerical value. Select the parameter to be adjusted withthe arrow buttons and change the parameter value with the control knob.The following parameters and values are available:NamedisplayedParametervaluesFactorysettingDescriptionA 1/0 0 End current level selection, 1=I min / 0 =15%b 1/0 1 Open-circuit voltage selection,1 = 30 V (VRD) / 0 = 95 VC 1/0 0 Forced stop during downslopewith a brief pressing of the switch,1 = On / 0 = Offd 1/0 1 Alternative switch logic of the MLP panel,1 = Minilog / 0 = 4T-LOGE 5% … 40% 20% Start current level selection(% of the welding current)F 1/0 0 Restore factory settings *),1 = Restore / 0 = No restoreh 0.0…2.0 s 0 Minimum setting for pre-gas timeJ 0,0…10,0 s 1.0 s Minimum setting for post-gas timeL 5.0…20.0 s 10.0 s Maximum setting for pre-gas timeo 15…99 s 30 s Maximum setting for post-gas timeS -3…5 0 Arc dynamics (Arc Force)