KEMPPI WELDFORCE KPS3500 / 0520 – 5© KEMPPI OY1.4. OPERATION SAFETYPlease study these Operation safety instructions and respect them when installing, operating andservicing the machine.Welding arc and spattersWelding arc hurts unprotected eyes. Use a proper face shield fitted with a correct filter and coverplates to protect your eyes, face, neck and ears from the sparks and rays of the welding arc whenwelding or observing welding. Warn bystanders not to watch the arc and not to expose themselvesto the welding arc rays or to hot metal. Be careful also with reflecting arc flash.Welding arc and spatter burn unprotected skin. Use safety gloves and protective clothing. Wearflameproof gauntiet-type gloves, a heavy long-sleeve shirt, cuffles trousers, high-topped shoes,and welding helmet or cap (for hair protection) to protect the skin from arc rays and hot sparksor hot metal.Wear ear plugs or other ear protection devices when welding equipment.Protect other nearby personnel from arc rays and hot sparks with a suitable non-flammablepartition.Danger for fire or explosionPay attention to fire safety regulations. Remove flammable or explosive materials from weldingplace at least 35 feet (11 meters) or protect them with flame-proof covers.Always ensure that you have sufficient fire fighting equipment available where you are weldingand you have a trained fire watcher ready to use it. Be prepared for hazards in special weldingjobs, eg. for the danger of fire or explosion when welding container type work pieces. Note! Firecan break out from sparks even several hours after the welding work has been finished!Combustible materials include but are not limited to wood, clothing, sawdust, gasoline, kerosene,paints, solvents, natural gases, acetylene, propane, and similar articles.Compressed gas cylinders are potentially dangerous, refer to the suppliers for proper handlingprocedures.Mains voltageDo not touch live electrical parts.Never take welding machine inside a work piece (eg. container or truck). Do not place weldingmachine on a wet surface. When welding in a damp area or when standing on metal, make sure youare well insulated by wearing dry cloves, rubber or soled shoes, and by standing on dry board orplatform. Keep everything dry you might touch, including clothing, wor area, welding gun, torchand welding machines. Fix water leaks immediately.Always check cables before operating the machine. Change damaged cables without delay. Damagedcables may cause an injury or set out a fire. Do not overlay the gables. Connection cable must notbe crushed, it must not touch sharp edges or hot work pieces.The ground cable should be connected to building as close to the work area as possible. Groundsconnected to building framework or other locations remote to the work area reduce efficiency andincrease the potential hazard of electric shock.When not welding, turn equipment OFF. Accidental grounding can cause overheating and createa fire hazard. Do not coil or loop the around parts of the body.Welding power circuitIsolate yourself by using proper protective clothing, do not wear wet clothing. Never work on awet surface or use defect cables. Do not put the MIG-gun or welding cables on welding machineor on other electric equipment. Avoid the possibility of the cutting current passing through liftingchains, crane cables or other electrical paths. Do not press the MIG-gun switch, if the gun is notdirected towards a work piece.