Mastertig MLs™ 300 aDCD / 0743 – 11© keMppi oy1 2 33.1.4. Synergetic Pulsed TIG weldingThe ACX panel includes the synergetic TIG process, in which you only need to adjust the weldingcurrent while other pulse parameters are programmed. Pulsing frequency is high, which guaranteesconcentrated arc and increased welding speed.3.1.5. Long Pulsed TIG weldingThis method gives you the possibility to adjust all pulse parameters. Weld pool control is alsoeasier. Long pulsed TIG welding is included in the ACX panel.3.1.6. Spot welding functionIn spot welding function you can to adjust the duration of the welds in the range 0-10 s.3.1.7. MicroTack™ functionMicroTack welding is an efficient way to connect thin materials together using low heat input,which decreases distortions in base material.3.1.8. TIG-welding with mixed AC-DC current (MIX)Especially joining materials of different thicknesses can best be made out by using mixed current.Adjust values with SETUP-function if needed.3.2. OPERATION FuNCTIONS3.2.1. Power sourceAlways switch the machine on and off from main switch. Do not use the mains plugfor switching!Never watch the arc without a proper face shield designed for arc welding! Protectyourself and the surroundings against welding arc and hot spatters!3.2.2. Function panelsBefore welding starts, welding settings suitable for the work piece are chosen with the functionpanel.The Kemppi Multi Logic System, MLS™, allows you to select the function panel based on thepurpose of use: the ACS panel for AC TIG welding with basic functions, or the ACX panel withpulsed TIG, 4T-LOG or MINILOG control of welding current and memory channel functions.The current display accuracy is 3 % ± 2 A, and the voltage display accuracy is 3 % ± 0.2 V. Indicator lights1. Power On2. Thermal overload of power source3. Wrong mains voltage, over or under-voltage