62R GeneralOperating Voltage14.4 V (10.5 V – 16 V allowable)Maximum Current Consumption10 AInstallation Dimensions (W × H × D)178 mm × 100 mm × 159 mmOperational Temperature Range–10°C – +60°CWeight 2.0 kgDesign and specifications are subject to changewithout notice.R Trademarks and licenses• Manufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol aretrademarks of Dolby Laboratories.• “DVD Logo” is a trademark of DVD Format/LogoLicensing Corporation registered in the US, Japanand other countries.• The “AAC” logo is a trademark of DolbyLaboratories.• Microsoft and Windows Media are eitherregistered trademarks or trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States and/or othercountries.• “Made for iPod,” and “Made for iPhone” meanthat an electronic accessory has been designedto connect specifically to iPod, or iPhone,respectively, and has been certified by thedeveloper to meet Apple performance standards.Apple is not responsible for the operation ofthis device or its compliance with safety andregulatory standards. Please note that the useof this accessory with iPod, or iPhone may affectwireless performance. iPhone, iPod, iPod classic,iPod nano, and iPod touch are trademarks ofApple Inc., registered in the U.S. and othercountries.• Lightning is a trademark of Apple Inc.• This item incorporates copy protection technologythat is protected by U.S. patents and otherintellectual property rights of Rovi Corporation.Reverse engineering and disassembly areprohibited.• Font for this product is designed by Ricoh.• DivX®, DivX Certified® and associated logos aretrademarks of Rovi Corporation or its subsidiariesand are used under license.• ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital videoformat created by DivX, LLC, a subsidiary of RoviCorporation. This is an official DivX Certified®device that plays DivX video. Visit divx.com formore information and software tools to convertyour files into DivX videos.• ABOUT DIVX VIDEO-ON-DEMAND: This DivXCertified® device must be registered in order toplay purchased DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD)movies. To obtain your registration code, locatethe DivX VOD section in your device setup menu.Go to vod.divx.com for more information on howto complete your registration.• THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE MPEG-4 VISUAL PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FORTHE PERSONAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USEOF A CONSUMER FOR (i) ENCODING VIDEOIN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MPEG-4 VISUALSTANDARD (“MPEG-4 VIDEO”) AND/OR (ii)DECODING MPEG-4 VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODEDBY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONALAND NON-COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WASOBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSEDBY MPEG LA TO PROVIDE MPEG-4 VIDEO. NOLICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FORANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONINCLUDING THAT RELATING TO PROMOTIONAL,INTERNAL AND COMMERCIAL USES ANDLICENSING MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA,LLC. SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM.• Pandora, the Pandora logo, and the Pandora tradedress are trademarks or registered trademarks ofPandora Media, Inc., used with permission.• Android is a trademark of Google Inc.• BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion® and relatedtrademarks, names and logos are the propertyof Research In Motion Limited and are registeredand/or used in the U.S. and countries aroundthe world. Used under license from Research InMotion Limited.• The Bluetooth® word mark and logos areregistered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG,Inc. and any use of such marks by JVC KENWOODCorporation is under license. Other trademarksand trade names are those of their respectiveowners.REFERENCESREFERENCES