4 DDX4028BT/DDX4058BT/DDX3028/DDX3058This Product is not installed by themanufacturer of a vehicle on the productionline, nor by the professional importer of avehicle into an EU Member State.Information on Disposal of Old Electricaland Electronic Equipment and Batteries(applicable for EU countries that haveadopted separate waste collectionsystems)Products and batteries with thesymbol (crossed-out wheeled bin)cannot be disposed as householdwaste.Old electrical and electronicequipment and batteries should berecycled at a facility capable ofhandling these items and theirwaste byproducts.Contact your local authority fordetails in locating a recycle facilitynearest to you.Proper recycling and wastedisposal will help conserveresources whilst preventingdetrimental effects on our healthand the environment.Notice: The sign “Pb” below thesymbol for batteriesindicates that this batterycontains lead.The marking of products using lasersCLASS 1LASER PRODUCTThe label is attached to the chassis/case andsays that the component uses laser beamsthat have been classified as Class 1. It meansthat the unit is utilizing laser beams thatare of a weaker class. There is no danger ofhazardous radiation outside the unitDeclaration of Conformity with regard tothe EMC Directive 2004/108/ECManufacturer:Kenwood Corporation2967-3 Ishikawa-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo,192-8525 JapanEU Representative’s:Kenwood Electronics Europe BVAmsterdamseweg 37, 1422 AC UITHOORN,The Netherlands