English 97ENTERFNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIOANGLERETURNT VNAVIFM+OO OOVOICE CANCELROUTEMSUBTITLEAV OUT OPENMAP DIRVIEW••ODVD MenuDisplays the DVD menu.Turns the playback control on or off while playingVCD.ENTERFNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIOANGLERETURNT VNAVIFM+OO OOVOICE CANCELROUTEMSUBTITLEAV OUT OPENMAP DIRVIEW•••SUBTITLESwitches the subtitle language.FNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIOANGLEZOOMRETURNNAVIVOLFM+ DOOVOICE CANCELROUTEMSUBTITLEAV OUT OPENMAP DIRVIEWOOOZOOMSwitches the zoom ratio each time you press thiskey.ANGLEZOOM1 2ABC 3 DEF2 ZONEVOLFM+AM− DY1OOMAP DIRVIEWOOOOPicture AngleSwitches the picture angle each time you press thiskey.ANGLEZOOM2 ZONEVOLFM+AM− DYOOVOICE CANCELROUTEMSUBTITLEAV OUT OPENMAP DIRVIEWOOOOAUDIOSwitch Voice LanguageSwitches the voice language each time you pressthis key.ENTERFNC/MENU/PBCMODE/TOP MENU AUDIOANGLERETURNDVDT VNAVIOOOVOICE CANCELROUTEMSUBTITLEAV OUT OPENMAP DIRVIEW•••Radio (AUD mode)Band switchingSwitches to bands received by the unit.ANGLEZOOM1 2ABC 3 DEF2 ZONEVOLFM+AM− DY1OOOOOOStation selectionSwitches to broadcast stations received by the unit.ANGLEZOOM1 2ABC 3 DEF2 ZONEVOLFM+AM− DY1OOMAP DIRVIEWOOOODirect tuningAfter pressing this key, use the keypad to specifythe broadcast station you wish to receive.R.VOL7PQRS#+ BS8TUV09WXYZ1 ATTCLEAR DIRECTExample: 92.1MHz (FM)0 9WXYZ 2ABC 1Example: 810kHz (AM)0 8TUV 1 0Numeric keypadR.VOL1 2ABC 3 DEF4 GHI7PQRS#+ BS5JKL8TUV09WXYZ6MNO1 ATT2 ZONEY1CLEAR DIRECT• To use preset tuning, press the number of aprogrammed broadcast station. ( 1 – 6MNO )• Press the direct tuning key first, then specify thefrequency of the station to receive.