English 23Viewing a List of TurnsWhen you are navigating a route, you can view allof the turns and maneuvers for your entire routeand the distance between turns.1 Select the text bar on the top of the map.2 Select a turn.The details for the turn appear. If available,an image of the junction appears forjunction on major roadways.Viewing the Entire Route on the Map1 While navigating a route, select thenavigation bar at the top of the map.2 Select > Map.Viewing the Next TurnWhile navigating a route, a preview of the nextturn, lane change, or other maneuver appears inthe upper-left corner of the map.The preview includes the distance to the turn ormaneuver and the lane in which you should betraveling, if available.From the map, select to view the nextturn on the map.Viewing JunctionsWhile navigating a route, you can view thejunctions on major roadways. When you approacha junction in a route, the image of that junctionappears briefly, if available.From the map, select to view thejunction, if available.Viewing Traffic AlertsWhile you navigate a route, a traffic alert mayappear.Select the alert to view more information.Viewing Trip InformationThe trip information page displays your presentspeed and provides statistics about your trip.From the map, select > Trip Computer.