40 GPS Navigation Instruction ManualChanging the Navigation SettingsSelect Settings > Navigation.• Calculation Mode—sets route preference.• Avoidances—sets road features to avoid on a route.• Custom Avoidances—allows you to avoid specific roadsor areas.• Advanced Detours—sets the length of a detour.• Safe Mode—disables all functions that requiresignificant operator attention and could become adistraction while driving.• GPS Simulator—stops the device from receiving a GPSsignal, and saves battery power.Adjusting the Display SettingsSelect Settings > Display.• Color Mode—select Day for a light background, Nightfor a dark background, or Auto to automatically switchbetween the two.Route PreferencesSelect Settings > Navigation > CalculationMode.The route calculation is based on road speeds andvehicle acceleration data for a given route.• Faster Time—calculates routes that are faster to drivebut can be longer in distance.• Shorter Distance—calculates routes that are shorter indistance but can take more time to drive.• Less Fuel—calculates routes that could use less fuelthan other routes.⁄• Less Fuel is available only in Automobile mode.Updating the Time SettingsSelect Settings > Units & Time.• Current Time—select Automatic to update the timeautomatically. When Automatic is not selected, you canadjust the time in 15-minute increments.• Time Format—select a 12-hour, 24-hour, or UTC timeformat.• Units—sets the unit of measure used for distances.Setting the LanguagesSelect Settings > Language & Keyboard.• Voice Language—select a voice for the voice prompts.• Keyboard Language—sets the language for yourkeyboard.• Keyboard Layout—sets the keyboard layout.Adding SecuritySelect Settings > Navigation > Safe Mode.• Safe Mode—turn safe mode on or off. When yourvehicle is moving, safe mode disables all functions thatrequire significant operator attention and could becomea distraction while driving.Device and Privacy SettingsSelect Settings > Device.• About — displays the software version number, the unitID number, and information on several other softwarefeatures.⁄• You need this information when you update the systemsoftware or purchase additional map data (page 43).• Travel History — allows the device to recordinformation for the myTrends (page 22), Where I’ve Been(page 32) and Trip Log features.• Clear Travel History—clears all travel history for themyTrends (page 22), Where I’ve Been (page 32) and TripLog features.