4 GPS Navigation Instruction ManualEnd-User License AgreementsSoftware License AgreementBY USING THE DNX719VHD, YOU AGREE TO BEBOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THEFOLLOWING SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT.PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY.Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Garmin”)grant you a limited license to use the softwareembedded in this device (the “Software”) in binaryexecutable form in the normal operation of theproduct. Title, ownership rights, and intellectualproperty rights in and to the Software remain inGarmin and/or its third-party providers.You acknowledge that the Software is the propertyof Garmin and/or its third-party providers andis protected under the United States of Americacopyright laws and international copyright treaties.You further acknowledge that the structure,organization, and code of the Software, for whichsource code is not provided, are valuable tradesecrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providersand that the Software in source code form remainsa valuable trade secret of Garmin and/or its third-party providers. You agree not to decompile,disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverseengineer, or reduce to human readable formthe Software or any part thereof or create anyderivative works based on the Software. You agreenot to export or re-export the Software to anycountry in violation of the export control laws ofthe United States of America or the export controllaws of any other applicable country.NAVTEQ® End-user License AgreementThe software embedded in your Garmin product(the “Software”) is owned by Garmin Ltd. or itssubsidiaries (“Garmin”). The third-party map dataembedded in or accompanying your Garminproduct (the “Map Data”) is owned by NAVTEQNorth America LLC and/or its affiliates (“NAVTEQ”)and is licensed to Garmin. Garmin also licensesinformation, text, images, graphics, photographs,audio, video and other applications and data fromthird-party data providers (“Third-Party ContentData”). The Map Data and Third-Party ContentData are collectively the “Data”. Both the Softwareand Data are protected under copyright laws andinternational copyright treaties. The Software andData are licensed, not sold. The Software and Dataare provided under the following licence and aresubject to the following terms and conditionswhich are agreed to by the End User (“you” or“your”), on the one hand, and Garmin and itslicensors (including their licensors and suppliers)and affiliated companies on the other hand.IMPORTANT: READ THIS LICENCE CAREFULLYBEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT. INSTALLING,COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THIS PRODUCTINDICATES YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THATYOU HAVE READ THIS LICENCE AND AGREE TOITS TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, RETURN THECOMPLETE PRODUCT WITHIN 7 DAYS OF THE DATEYOU ACQUIRED IT (IF PURCHASED NEW) FOR AFULL REFUND TO THE DEALER FROM WHICH YOUPURCHASED THIS PRODUCT.Licence Terms and ConditionsGarmin (“we” or “us”) provides you with storagemedia containing the computer Software (the“Software”) and the embedded or accompanyingData, including any “online” or electronicdocumentation and printed materials (togethercalled the “Product” for purposes of this LicenceAgreement), and grants you a limited, non-exclusive licence to use the Product in accordancewith the terms of this Agreement. You agree touse this Data together with the Garmin productsolely for personal use, or if applicable, for usein your business’ internal operations and notfor service bureau, time-sharing, resale or othersimilar purposes. Accordingly, but subject to therestrictions set forth in the following paragraphs,you may copy this Data only as necessary for youruse to (i) view it and (ii) save it, provided that youdo not remove any copyright notices that appearand do not modify the Software or Data in anyway. You agree not to otherwise reproduce, copy,modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineeror create derivative works of any portion of theProduct and you may not transfer or distribute itin any form, for any purpose, except to the extentpermitted by mandatory laws. Garmin also reservesthe right to discontinue offering any Data suppliedby any third-party supplier if such supplier ceasesto supply such content or Garmin’s contract withsuch supplier terminates for any reason.Restrictions. Except where you have beenspecifically licensed to do so by Garmin andwithout limiting the preceding paragraph, you maynot use this Data with any products, systems orapplications installed or otherwise connected toor in communication with vehicles and which arecapable of dispatch, fleet management or similarapplications where the Data is used by a centralcontrol centre in dispatching a fleet of vehicles. Inaddition, you are prohibited from renting or leasingthe Data or the Garmin products containing theData to any other person or third party. Only thosehire car companies that are specifically authorisedby Garmin in writing to rent Garmin productscontaining the Data to their rental customers arepermitted to rent out such products.