8 GPS Navigation Instruction ManualEnd-User License AgreementsNAVTEQ Traffic™ End User LicenseAgreementYour Garmin product may be equipped to receivetraffic data. If it is so equipped, the following termsand conditions apply to your use of your Garminproduct.NAVTEQ North America LLC and/or its affiliatesincluding Traffic.com (“NAVTEQ”) holds the rightsto the traffic event data (“Traffic Data”) and, if youreceive RDS/TMC, the RDS/TMC networks throughwhich it is delivered to your Garmin product. Bysubscribing to, receiving or otherwise accessingthe Traffic Data, you acknowledge that you haveread this Agreement, that you understand it,that your agree to be bound by the terms andconditions of this Agreement, and that you are atleast 18 years of age. If you do not agree to theterms and conditions of this Agreement, declinethe subscription or, if the subscription is bundledas part of your Garmin product, return the productwithin 7 days for a full refund to the dealer fromwhich you purchased the product.You agree to use the Traffic Data together withyour Garmin product solely for personal, non-commercial purposes, and not for service bureau,time-sharing or other similar purposes. You maynot modify, copy, scan, decompile, disassemble orreverse engineer any portion of the Traffic Data,or use any other method to reproduce, duplicate,republish, transmit, or distribute in any way anyportion of the Traffic Data. You agree to indemnify,defend, and hold harmless NAVTEQ (and itsaffiliates) and Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries)against any and all claims, damages, costs, orother expenses that arise directly or indirectly outof (a) your unauthorized use of the Traffic Dataor the RDS/TMC networks, (b) your violation ofthis Agreement, and/or (c) any unauthorized orunlawful activities by you in connection herewith.The Traffic Data is informational only. You assumeall risk of use. NAVTEQ (and its affiliates), GarminLtd. (and its subsidiaries), and their suppliers makeno representations about content, traffic and roadconditions, route usability, or speed.The Traffic Data is provided to you “as is,” and youagree to use it at your own risk. NAVTEQ (and itsaffiliates) and Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries)make no warranty of fitness or compatibility ofthe Traffic Data with the Garmin product andno warranty that the Traffic Data will operateproperly as integrated and interfaced with theGarmin product. In addition, NAVTEQ (and itsaffiliates) and Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries)make no warranty with regard to the reliability,accuracy, exhaustiveness, and completeness ofthe Traffic Data, which may contain inaccuraciesand/or errors from time to time. To the maximumextent permitted by applicable law, any and allwarranties of any kind whatsoever with regard tothe Traffic Data are hereby expressly waived andexcluded, including, but not limited to, those ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,accuracy or completeness of the Traffic Data, and/or a lack of viruses.NAVTEQ (and its affiliates), Garmin Ltd. (and itssubsidiaries), and their suppliers disclaim all liabilityfor any loss, injury, or damage resulting from useof or inability to use the Garmin product and theTraffic Data as a result of weather difficulties, thedestruction of transmitters and/or broadcastinginfrastructures, a natural disaster, and/or a lackof reliability, completeness, or accuracy of theTraffic Data. In no event shall NAVTEQ (and itsaffiliates), Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries), andtheir suppliers be liable to you or any other partyfor any compensatory, direct, indirect, incidental,special, or consequential damages (including,without limitation, indirect, direct, special, punitive,or exemplary damages for loss of business, loss ofprofits, business interruption, or loss of businessinformation) arising out of the use of or inability touse the Garmin product or the Traffic Data, evenif NAVTEQ or Garmin have been advised of thepossibility of such damages.Traffic. If you purchase “lifetime” or “one-time”traffic, you will receive Traffic Data for the usefullife of your Garmin traffic receiver (as long as youown a compatible Garmin GPS) or as long asGarmin receives Traffic Data from its third partycontent supplier, whichever is shorter. Garmin mayterminate your traffic subscription immediately ifyou violate any of the terms of this Agreement.Your traffic subscription may not be transferred toanother person or another Garmin product.Governing Law. The above terms and conditionsshall be governed by the laws of the State ofIllinois, without giving effect to (i) its conflict of lawsprovisions, or (ii) the United Nations Conventionfor Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,which is explicitly excluded. You agree to submit tothe jurisdiction of the State of Illinois for any andall disputes, claims and actions arising from or inconnection with the Traffic Data provided to youhereunder.Government End Users. If the Traffic Data isbeing acquired by or on behalf of the UnitedStates government or any other entity seekingor applying rights similar to those customarilyclaimed by the United States government, thisData is a “commercial item” as that term is defined