20 GPS Navigation Instruction ManualAppendixThis appendix provides additional information about your navigation system, such as how to update thesoftware and map data.Software License AgreementBY USING THE DNX7480BT / DNX6480BT, YOUAGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING SOFTWARELICENSE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THISAGREEMENT CAREFULLY.Garmin grants you a limited license to use thesoftware embedded in this device (the “Software”)in binary executable form in the normal operationof the product. Title, ownership rights, andintellectual property rights in and to the Softwareremain in Garmin.You acknowledge that the Software is theproperty of Garmin and is protected under theUnited States of America copyright laws andinternational copyright treaties. You furtheracknowledge that the structure, organization, andcode of the Software are valuable trade secretsof Garmin and that the Software in source codeform remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin.You agree not to decompile, disassemble, modify,reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduce tohuman readable form the Software or any partthereof or create any derivative works basedon the Software. You agree not to export orre-export the Software to any country in violationof the export control laws of the United States ofAmerica.Updating the SoftwareTo update the navigation system software, youmust have a memory card, a memory card reader,and an Internet connection.⁄• The unit may restart when you insert a memory card.1 Go to www.garmin.com/Kenwood.2 Find your model and select SoftwareUpdates > Download.3 Read and accept the terms of the SoftwareLicense Agreement.4 Follow the instructions on the Web site tocomplete the installation of the softwareupdate.Updating the Map DataYou can purchase updated map data from Garminor ask your Kenwood dealer or Kenwood servicecenter for details.1 Go to www.garmin.com/Kenwood.2 Select Order Map Updates for yourKenwood unit.3 Follow the Web site instructions to updateyour map.