6 GPS Navigation System Instruction ManualNo Warranty. This Product (including the Data)is provided to you “as is,” and you agree to use itat your own risk. Garmin and its licensors (andtheir licensors and suppliers) make no guarantees,representations or warranties of any kind,express or implied, arising by law or otherwise,including but not limited to, content, quality,accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, reliability,merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,usefulness, use or results to be obtained fromthe Product, or that the Data or server will beuninterrupted or error-free.Disclaimer of Warranty. Garmin AND ITSLICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR LICENSORS ANDSUPPLIERS) DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED, OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE,MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. NO ORAL ORWRITTEN ADVICE OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BYGarmin OR ITS SUPPLIERS AND LICENSORS SHALLCREATE A WARRANTY, AND YOU ARE NOT ENTITLEDTO RELY ON ANY SUCH ADVICE OR INFORMATION.THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES IS AN ESSENTIALCONDITION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Some States,Territories and Countries do not allow certainwarranty exclusions, so to that extent the aboveexclusion may not apply to you.Disclaimer of Liability. Garmin AND ITSLICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR LICENSORS ANDSUPPLIERS) SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU: INRESPECT OF ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION,IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THE CAUSEOF THE CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION ALLEGINGANY LOSS, INJURY OR DAMAGES, DIRECT ORINDIRECT, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USEOR POSSESSION OF THE INFORMATION; OR FORANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, CONTRACTSOR SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF ORINABILITY TO USE THIS INFORMATION, ANY DEFECTIN THE DATA OR INFORMATION, OR THE BREACHOF THESE TERMS OR CONDITIONS, WHETHER INAN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR BASED ONA WARRANTY, EVEN IF Garmin OR ITS LICENSORSHAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. Garmin’S AND ITS LICENSORS’TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY WITH RESPECTTO ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENTOR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE GarminPRODUCT OR THE DATA SHALL NOT EXCEED $1.00.Some States, Territories and Countries do not allowcertain liability exclusions or damages limitations,so to that extent the above may not apply to you.Disclaimer of Endorsement. Reference to anyproducts, services, processes, hypertext linksto third parties or other Data by trade name,trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwisedoes not necessarily constitute or imply itsendorsement, sponsorship or recommendationby Garmin or its licensors. Product and serviceinformation are the sole responsibility of eachindividual vendor. The NAVTEQ name and logo,the NAVTEQ and NAVTEQ ON BOARD trademarksand logos, and other trademarks and trade namesowned by NAVTEQ North America LLC may not beused in any commercial manner without the priorwritten consent of NAVTEQ.Export Control. You agree not to export fromanywhere any part of the Data provided to you orany direct product thereof except in compliancewith, and with all licenses and approvals requiredunder, applicable export laws, rules and regulations.Indemnity. You agree to indemnify, defendand hold Garmin and its licensors (includingtheir respective licensors, suppliers, assignees,subsidiaries, affiliated companies, and therespective officers, directors, employees,shareholders, agents and representatives of eachof them) free and harmless from and against anyliability, loss, injury (including injuries resulting indeath), demand, action, cost, expense, or claim ofany kind or character, including but not limitedto attorney’s fees, arising out of or in connectionwith any use or possession by you of the Product(including the Data).Entire Agreement. These terms and conditionsconstitute the entire agreement between Garmin(and its licensors, including their licensors andsuppliers) and you pertaining to the subject matterhereof, and supersedes in their entirety any andall written or oral agreements previously existingbetween us with respect to such subject matter.Governing Law.(a) For European Union NAVTEQ DataThe above terms and conditions shall be governedby the laws of the Netherlands, without givingeffect to (i) its conflict of laws provisions, or (ii)the United Nations Convention for Contracts forthe International Sale of Goods, which is explicitlyexcluded. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction ofthe Netherlands for any and all disputes, claims andactions arising from or in connection with the Dataprovided to you hereunder.(b) For North American NAVTEQ Data and othernon-European Union NAVTEQ DataThe above terms and conditions shall be governedby the laws of Illinois, without giving effect to (i) itsconflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United NationsConvention for Contracts for the International Saleof Goods, which is explicitly excluded. You agreeSafety Precautions and Important Information